Is it normal to hav a difficult name..?
i hav a very difficult name,,often ppl make a mistake to called me. Even now i m very afraid that ''oh god anyone dont ask for my name'' u think is it normal?
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i hav a very difficult name,,often ppl make a mistake to called me. Even now i m very afraid that ''oh god anyone dont ask for my name'' u think is it normal?
I have a weird name. Ill give them a short or nickname (my own) first and as they get to know me better (or want to know me better that is) ill upgrade them by giving them my license!
go search for Arabian names.. you'll end up considering your's so easy!! :)
it usual in frnds bcz frnds r fond ur nickname easily,,,,bt in job field or other place its creates a problem......!
The name of the Icelandic volcano is nearly impossible to pronounce...
SOT9, gimme the name of that joker son.
*power turds his Calvin's**
only if i knew. just my luck its your post now i'll have to make a name close to yours.
Is your name kalulululuululuogiogioeyighjeuioghwutuaioptupwoi ?
how would you even say that?
My name is unusual and difficult for people to grasp, it is also pronounced differently to how it is spelled.
I was very lucky that it took until tertiary education for someone to start calling me "Semen".
My name is Seanan btw pronounced as John Lennon with an 'S'.
At work I have spelled it over the phone a dozen times in a single day and by the time I finish my shift I can't say I'm completely happy with my parents choice, especially when I receive hard copies of invoices with 'Semen' on them.
I've had two people say they were going to name their child Seanan and I honestly wanted to punch them.
What is your unusual name, OP?
I have an uncommon name too and often I have to repeat it thrice for people to understand. I am acquainted to this exercise now.
My real name is extremely difficult to pronounce, and the spelling is completely different from how you say it. I have to spell it phonetically for people or say it really slow as if I'm explaining something to a 5 year old. What I've found though, is that people who respect me or regard me highly, will take the effort to learn how to say my name properly. Very few people truly can't say my name because it's too foreign on their tongue. Then there are those people who won't bother to try pronouncing it properly - those people can go eat a bag of dicks.