Is it normal to have a 3 day dream?
okay so i had this dream like 3 weeks ago but here is goes i will do my best to explain.(im a girl)
The first night- I am sitting in a classroom and my teacher is teaching us and i am reading through my history book and then she leaves the class and tells everyone its time to go, so the boys get up to leave and then everyone leaves to go sleep in cots, but i sneak out to the screen door and i am talking to Harry Styles becuase we are in a relationship and he is going to war and in the classroom its like 2018 but out side its black and white and 1920s, so where talking and we kiss, like this really heartfelt kiss and it feels so real and i can feel him holding my hand and his lips. He tells me I love you and i say it back and i can feel it hit me with such emotion, he then leaves and i go back and lay down on my cot
The second night-I'm back sitting in the classroom but this time i have to get up to sit nect to this girl and share the history book with her, then the teacher does her bit, everyone lays down and i go to Harry and we do the whole bit again but after we kiss a fire starts and imlike be careful please dont die and hes like i promise you we already got it taken care of, and the fires out and its starts snowing so we kiss again and the i love yous filled with emotion.
The third night/last night-i am back sitting in my normal spot but i now have to move to the back with my friends to borrow there book but as im sitting there and they are talking i kinda blank out and like i kinda know im dreaming but not really, like you know how in realy life people are like i must be dreaming, thats how i felt in that moment anyways, im sitting with them looking at the book when the teacher does her bit, they lay down and i go to the door with Harry, but this time we kiss hold hands and before he is suupose to leave he tells me come with me , and im like where, and hes like just come with me lets leave i love you so much, and this feels so sincere, and im like okay and we leave and the next thing i knew i was waking up in a green field with him next to me near a cottege.
So that was my dream(s) but the thing that is tripping me out is how real they felt like the first 2 nights when i woke up after he left i felt so heartbroken and sad. Does anyone have opinins on why i had this dream? Also why something changed in each night?