Is it normal to have a blue horse?
one day i woke up and i was very excited! Today was my birthday. I heard a neigh. So I ran downstairs. Right in the living room was a bright blue horse! I have a manchine by the way if any of you were wondering.
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one day i woke up and i was very excited! Today was my birthday. I heard a neigh. So I ran downstairs. Right in the living room was a bright blue horse! I have a manchine by the way if any of you were wondering.
what is a manchine? did you misspell machine? and why would anyone wonder if you have a machine? what kind of machine is it? is it a washing machine? is that how your toy horse turned blue? did you put your toy in the washing machine with a new blue towel? why would anyone care about a washing machine? this IIN post is just too retarded.
I know what did " Having a Machine " have to do with the rest of the passage ? You have a blue horse was it painted or are you a dullusioned maniac lucky enough to have a computer and access to the net ? What the hell this makes no sense at all ? This is as follows SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM YOU ARE SUCH A TROLL .
You heard a neigh downstairs, you have a bright, blue horse in your living room, and you have a manchine.
Lay off the crack.
Sounds like the horse needs an antidepressant then he wouldn't be so "blue".
I have been laughing hysterically non-stop for about 20-30mins. This post has literally made my day. Laughter is really The best medicine and I'll favourite this to remind me of the fun I had:)
I can relate to you and your lovely blue horse, though. I once believed that I was Epona the celtic horse goddess:D No drugs involved except for my breakfast beverage!!! Sadly, a one time experience:(
You can be my new best friend!!! Blue horses are better then turquoise horses. Or is that racist?
I want a blue pegasus, that i can ride across the midnight sky naked in the moonlight
A.B: Destiny? What made you like rock music? Me:well, thats an interesting story. You see, one night a beautiful tooth fairy came to me in a dream. She looked a little like rosie o'donald.. Anyways she whispered ever so sweetly in my ear 'they would fail without Steve Nash' then poured milk on my face. Me being the thug that i am, grabbed the closes thing next to me -a guitar- and beat her uncontious. Afterwards i took her wallet and the gum she was chewing, (cuz it was watermelon flavor.. Yummy.) And ever since then i have been indebted to the guitar. :] A.B.:... Oooh! ..Wait, there's one thing i'm still confused about! ... Who's Steve Nash?!
I have a rainbow unicorn that flies to my room every night. And then we go riding down to a Leprachaun's house for pots of gold... And it shits glitter.
Buddy... No blue horse.
There is such thing as a blue horse- kind of. They are called blue roans.