Is it normal to have a favourite is it normal user?
Like the title, do you guys have a favourite is it normal user, do you follow their comments. Mines dappledx) I think he's hilarious:D
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Like the title, do you guys have a favourite is it normal user, do you follow their comments. Mines dappledx) I think he's hilarious:D
Most of my favorites have disappeared except for Dappled, Randomjelly, Aussiewolf and ItDuz :-)
Dappled was once at my place and by the time he left, it looked like a herd of baby whirlwinds had been let loose. He took the virginity of my liquour cabinet, and arranged my underwear by "sassiness" level. He put a skirt on my cat, and my lipstick on himself.
He may appear to be someone you'd want to be in the presence of. But he is not. He is, in reality, a very disturbed individual and should be only be approached with caution or a cattle prod. He also shouldn't be indulged on IIN. If possible, try to ignore him. Saying nice things only makes him worse. :P
I have no favourites, although sometimes people say some beautiful things here.
Brings tears to my eyes and the eye between my thighs.
Dappled, randomjelly, aussiewolf, countryroad, shaggy-chan, and plenty of others... Really, anyone who takes this site/community seriously, and puts thought or good humour into their responses, is pretty awesome to me ... xo
Ha ha. This story was probably posted by Dappled and you all fell for it. Kudos to you Dappled - you're slick. :)
I've got a few. I won't mention names but just going by what I think I know of them, I like it. Some are extremely intriguing, some have great ways of thinking, some are crazy (in a good way). There's many other things about them that make me like them and makes my eye catch their comments. Kinda wish I really knew more of them.
nobody likes me *sniff* but i like others alot of them i like all you said... but i never heard my name.
I often find randomjelly's posts as combination of cool, funny and smart :D
I have a feeling there's gonna be a big chain of "dappled lovers" here lol oh and mines randomjelly
I just love everyone here! You people are my third family (1: My parents, sister, relatives 2: school classmates, teachers, friends 3: You, IIN)! I'm usually shy in real life, but here I'm so chatty. Probably too chatty...
So, anyways, I love this site 'cause it's filled with interesting, awesome, (good) crazy, loveable people! I do not wanna leave this site!
I've been called a favorite, but I'm rarely on here so that's prolly a crock o shit.
I have some favourites, and some least favourites... THEY'RE ALL SECRET!!!
Georgienne, whatsmyname, chaosdragon, and carolanne deserve a mention too... :)
Dappled, T7796, of course Aussiewolf. And some others but it's a secret.