Is it normal to have a fear of butterflies...

When I was a kid, I watched the episode of spongebob with the butterfly close-ups. Should I be scared?

Voting Results
48% Normal
Based on 60 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Johnnytherat

    courage the cowardly dog is a show you must not of seen as a kid then... kids these days

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    • FredSumper23

      I used to love that show. It got pretty fricking intense sometimes though.

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  • Qwerty-qwerty

    I'm scared of insects in general xD
    Butterflies' wings most hae this pattern on it, and when their wings move, it looks like two eyes staring at me. I find that creepy

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  • RougeTheBat

    That episode scared the shit out of me.

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  • _applesauce

    OMG that episode was scary as fk when I was younger! I get you man, it's normal. Butterflies are pretty beautiful so don't be scared of them. I got a few cockroaches and spiders at my house, so butterflies ain't nothin'. I actually WANT to see a butterfly. I know I've seen a butterfly before, but they always fly away. I've too many spiders at my house. I know what episode you're talking about, it's where a butterfly is in the bubble, and it flies around the city in the bubble while people try to chase it. I advise you to not watch the episode where it gets dark out and a vampire turns off and on the lights in the Krusty Krab. Just don't watch it man, don't! Lol... :p I was 7 at the time though.. so who knows if I'm still scared?

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  • stacey_0125


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  • The answer is no, you shouldn't be afraid.

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  • Gawdzirra

    The close up of the butterfly was actually a horsefly. They did that to make the butterfly look more scary.

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  • myownopinions

    I'm scared of anything that flies too close to me, so, yeah, I think it's normal.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I'm not scared of butterflies but the spongebob episode with the up close butterfly shots always gave me the creeps.

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  • SherpaNarwhal

    Courage the cowardly dog used to scare me, but not anymore. But butterflies still do

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's nothing to be scared of. Butterflies aren't dangerous.

    That episode was awesome. They don't make SpongeBob episodes like that anymore.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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