Is it normal to have a fear of butterflies...
When I was a kid, I watched the episode of spongebob with the butterfly close-ups. Should I be scared?
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When I was a kid, I watched the episode of spongebob with the butterfly close-ups. Should I be scared?
courage the cowardly dog is a show you must not of seen as a kid then... kids these days
I'm scared of insects in general xD
Butterflies' wings most hae this pattern on it, and when their wings move, it looks like two eyes staring at me. I find that creepy
OMG that episode was scary as fk when I was younger! I get you man, it's normal. Butterflies are pretty beautiful so don't be scared of them. I got a few cockroaches and spiders at my house, so butterflies ain't nothin'. I actually WANT to see a butterfly. I know I've seen a butterfly before, but they always fly away. I've too many spiders at my house. I know what episode you're talking about, it's where a butterfly is in the bubble, and it flies around the city in the bubble while people try to chase it. I advise you to not watch the episode where it gets dark out and a vampire turns off and on the lights in the Krusty Krab. Just don't watch it man, don't! Lol... :p I was 7 at the time though.. so who knows if I'm still scared?
The close up of the butterfly was actually a horsefly. They did that to make the butterfly look more scary.
I'm scared of anything that flies too close to me, so, yeah, I think it's normal.
I'm not scared of butterflies but the spongebob episode with the up close butterfly shots always gave me the creeps.
Courage the cowardly dog used to scare me, but not anymore. But butterflies still do
It's nothing to be scared of. Butterflies aren't dangerous.
That episode was awesome. They don't make SpongeBob episodes like that anymore.