Is it normal to have a fear of smelling bad?

I get highly paranoid that i smell, if i smell anything bad in the air, i worry that it might be me or even if i smell someone else that smells bad, i get paranoid for myself.
i always wear aftershave, i spend hundreds a month on aftershave because i spray all the time, everyone compliments me on how i smell but if i cant smell my aftershave (which i believe no one can really smell it on themselves) then i smell bad or if i havent got a nice scent i wont smell of anything and be smelly because i dont smell hoping this makes sense lol, anyone else have this problem? im hoping im not the only one.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • loyally

    There is a guy that sits next to me in class that has horrible gingivitis breath. At first I thought it was me cause I drink a ton of coffee, until he showed up late one day. Thats when I knew. I get paranoid about that too. It's good I think cause smelly people are a huge turn off. Doesn't matter how gorgeous they are :-[

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  • Raiden

    Yeah its normal, sometimes at school I get the same thing I smell somebody else and then I get paranoid myself, Just take a bottle of bodyspray or cologne with you to work or school :P it helps me when i get paranoid

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  • KillerWombat

    Most certainly normal. I always spray on some perfume and brush my teeth before I go out anywhere. I can't stand the idea of someone thinking I smell bad and getting grossed out by me! D: I won't even fart in front of my boyfriend, lmao. No worries, though; I know several people who get freaked out about possibly being stinky, but they've never ever smelled bad when I've been around them. It's likely you're the same way, especially if the aftershave has a nice scent :)

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  • manii92

    Totally normal.. There's nothing wrong with clean.. =)

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I think i smell of poo right now.

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    • iin2want2know

      Just splash on some after shave

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      • Terence_the_viking

        I can't i am at work.

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