Is it normal to have a headache for 2 months?

I want to start by saying I have been to the doctors 4 times, each time they have sent me away with a different medication. I’ve spent so much on it and none have worked or even dulled the head aches in the slightest. Apparently I have no red flags to say it’s something more serious like a tumour, but it’s not painful enough to be a migraine either. When I say it’s constant I mean, from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. I’m not stressed I’m too laid back for that, I feel I keep well hydrated and it’s not dehydration. My diet was pretty good before I got this headache and now I feel sorry for myself and eat crap. Exercise makes my headache worse so I can’t help but sit around and worry about my headache. I’ve been to the opticians too, my eye sight is very good apparently.

I want to know if any of you guys have had a dull headache for longer than 1 or 2 months. Did you find out what caused it?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • charli.m

    Have you been seeing the same doctor eqch time? If so, you should get a second opinion.

    Have they run any tests or scans or just sent you off with medication?

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    • jbwrites

      A different doctor each time but same medical centre. And no not had a scan yet but I want one.

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      • charli.m

        Are you able to go to a different practice? I know that's not always an option, but it might be helpful.

        Scans are pretty serious, they don't send you to one lightly because of the expense, and also, for CT scans, the radiation. But there may be some blood tests that could identify an underlying problem, idk.

        I had migraines for years before being offered a scan. But they were never ongoing. They've now got to the point where pills don't work. Fun times.

        Sometimes, complementary therapies can help. Sometimes, I see my osteopath for headache relief. Have you tried something like that or is that not your kinda thing?

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  • JD777

    There are many types of headaches, so sounds like your doc is trying to narrow things down. Like charli.m said, get a second opinion and see a specialist. Google “new daily persistent headache” and see if that sounds like what you have. If they haven’t done a CT scan or MRI, they probably should. There are different classes of drugs used for headaches, so it’s normal that they’re trying different drugs. Try to avoid slipping into bad habits, as that will likely just make you feel worse in the long run. Good luck.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you have any sinus problems? When I have a sinus infection my head hurts nearly constantly.

    I think you should take Charli.m's advice, and seek out a different physician for a second opinion.

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  • paracetamol

    Take aspirin.

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  • oli_monica

    I'm a medical student. You mentioned that you went to a doctor four times? Was it one physician? Or multiple physicians? Also, were the primary care physicians? Either way, I'd highly suggest you ask one of your doctors to refer you to a neurologist who can address your issue. Medication, in this case, is only used to treat for symptoms, they do not cure the underlying problem with your headaches. Do not be afraid to see a neurologist. They are experts in this field and will attempt to find the cause rather than mask your symptoms with medications. I wish you all the best!

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  • BlackCandle

    I watched this documentary called Fasting and there was a woman who had something similar. You check it out. I'm not a doctor nor am I suggesting anything. Fasting worked out for her.

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  • Vauael

    Allergies are a possible culprit, and its that time of year. Run it by your doctor, see what they think. The type of headache / where the headache is located can be a good indicator of the cause as well.

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    • jbwrites

      It's a tension headache most of the time at the side of my head. Lately I'm feeling more pressure on the left side. Some times it can be really uncomfortable at the front of my head too.

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  • TerriAngel

    Caffine withdrawal.
    Daily hangover.
    A high pitched noise that's there so long you don't notice it, it will still make your head hurt.
    Toxic fumes, exhaust raydon etc.

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    • jbwrites

      Thanks for the suggestions but it's none of them. I don't drink a lot of caffeine or alcohol. I highly doubt it's a high pitched noise causing this type of headache for 2 months. Toxic fumes maybe but I went away for a whole weekend, totally different place and still the same intensity headache.

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