Is it normal to have a headache for 2 months?
I want to start by saying I have been to the doctors 4 times, each time they have sent me away with a different medication. I’ve spent so much on it and none have worked or even dulled the head aches in the slightest. Apparently I have no red flags to say it’s something more serious like a tumour, but it’s not painful enough to be a migraine either. When I say it’s constant I mean, from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. I’m not stressed I’m too laid back for that, I feel I keep well hydrated and it’s not dehydration. My diet was pretty good before I got this headache and now I feel sorry for myself and eat crap. Exercise makes my headache worse so I can’t help but sit around and worry about my headache. I’ve been to the opticians too, my eye sight is very good apparently.
I want to know if any of you guys have had a dull headache for longer than 1 or 2 months. Did you find out what caused it?