Is it normal to have a long-term zombie phobia?

Basically about 4 years ago I watched this zombie movie, and ever since I have been terrified of just the concept of them. I always wonder if somehow, someway the zombies know exactly what they are doing but cannot control themselves due to the unending hunger they feel within their decayed stomachs...

Just wondering if being so afraid of zombies that you cannot even look at a corpse for more than a few seconds without thinking that the damn thing will pop out is normal or not.

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 62 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • mysterymen3000

    Why are you looking a corpses? Is no one else concerned?

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    • s4rawberry

      Yes, I sneak into graves and funeral homes just to look at the dreaded face of rotten bodies.

      Your comment actually did make me laugh. Not that LOL thing, like a belly roll laugh. Thanks for that.

      But seriously, why is no one else concerned? Makes me wonder about everyone else to be honest.... >.<

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      • Energy

        You never explained what you meant by looking at corpses. Lol.

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        • s4rawberry

          Funeral home viewings, where you show your respects to the family while there is an open casket. That.

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          • Energy

            Oh, ok. Well, it's annoying how people are insulting you over this. I think they're the ones retarded to not realize everyone has their own phobia.

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            • s4rawberry

              It's fine, no ones hurt my feelings yet. Thanks though. :)

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  • why dont you watch the making of walking dead on youtube, demystifys it

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    • s4rawberry

      That's actually a really good idea. Thanks!

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  • NotStrangeBird

    You're retarded. There's no such thing as zombies. Never was, never will be.

    You're gonna be all fearfully thinking of zombies some day, get distracted, and get run over by a bus or something.

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    • s4rawberry

      Phobias come in all shapes and sizes. Some people are afraid cotton balls, I'm afraid of zombies (and well, corpses in general). It's odd, but I think I have enough common sense not to die from it...unless there is some kind of zombie apocalypse going on. Then I'm screwed.

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    • sograceful

      Just as s4rawberry said, no one chooses a phobia. Often they are irrational but, yes, they are normal. Everyone has strange fears no one can really explain, be it zombies, spiders, or otherwise. Having an irrational fear does not make someone "retarded."

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      • NotStrangeBird

        A fear of spiders is indeed rational. Spiders EXIST!!! Spiders can kill you.

        A fear of something (in an adult) that does not exist is not rational or normal.

        A fear of corpses? I'd say that dead folks have better things to do than fuck with the living. If a corpse suddenly "pops out", one's first reaction should probably be to get some medical attention, as this person is clearly not dead!!!

        The whole zombie thing is getting old. Maybe mummies or wolf-men will be the flavor of the month next and everyone will have to change their phobiae.

        People come here for validation of their fears and irrational disorders. I see many here telling them "it's OK, you're normal". I call bullshit. You can fight your fears, and more should.

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        • sograceful

          First off, a fear of spiders IMO is irrational. Sure there's always that chance you'll come across a "deadly" spider, but most spiders people come in contact with are just harmless daddy long legs or similar types. I've never seen a poisonous spider in my whole life as far as I know.

          And I was just responding to the question, "is it normal?" Which it is. No it's not productive or a good fear, just normal. That's it. I didn't comment on whether he/she should face it or not.

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        • s4rawberry

          I definitely agree with you on "fighting your fears". I just don't know how, or where to start.

          I used to watch movies (or tried to anyway) about zombies because I friend suggested I face it heads on. But when your fear has formed itself around your family, that shit becomes real. At least in your mind.

          For me zombies come down to this. If someone I loved received a virus that slowly took away their memories, care, love, etc...and just left someone that fed on only skin, organs, etc as it was slowly decaying...that could traumatize anyone. That's my worst fear..and yeah its stupid (and of course, I want to get rid of it..), but it's my problem. My oddity, if you must.

          It's not like I'm telling myself this is the most rational thing in the world. It's not. I'm just trying to figure out if having an odd fear (one that will never occur) is normal.

          Not trying to make a big deal about this, and I respect you for your comments, because you are right in some regards. I didn't ask if it was rational, I just wanted to know in general, if it's OK to have this fear.

          But anyway, thanks.

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      • redneckgirl1507

        A phobia is defined as an irrational phobia.

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        • manfart999

          hey redneck girl you single? ;)

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        • NotStrangeBird

          Well the OP should have no problems then. I sincerely doubt they'll run into any zombies anytime soon. Problem solved.

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  • XxPattycakexX

    I have a friend that is terrified of zombies and the idea of them so you're not the only one!(: If this fear of zombies is stopping you from doing stuff then I suggest you go talk to a professional. Otherwise, it's normal to have fears. Everyone has them.

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  • scrount

    I recommend you play the Resident evil series, such good games!

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  • SirSlenderMan

    You don't like zombies? Man, you're missing out if you never gave The Walking Dead a chance.

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    • s4rawberry

      The thing is, I can't even look at the commercial without having a mini panic attack. Despite my best efforts the farthest I can go zombiverse wise, is Shawn of the Dead. And I still have certain scenes that I can't even think about without feeling scared.

      So yeah I probably am missing out.

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      • SirSlenderMan

        I understand a phobia and zombies are technically set out to scare people because they are usually part of the horror genre. I personally love the zombie genre and never was afraid of it but I don't scare easy in the first place. Zombies don't exist and if this phobia is really getting to you you should learn how to fight it. I guess all I can say is take comfort in the fact it's pure fiction to cope with it. It's nothing to be afraid of.

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          I believe zombies are simply a metaphor. It is a fear of cannibalism. Since when people become cannibals no one is safe. A nasty pack of humans is a very terrifying thing. I also think it is a fear of infection. Like so many plagues killed in the past. What if we all got quranteened. What if we were trapped in a city to soon be infected with the virus. We could not do anything about it. Also a fear of Chemical war fare. The fear that chemical tests and experiments will one day kill us all. Which is a strong possibility.

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        • Plasma1813

          They kinda do, there was that guy in Florida that was eating that dudes face off. And the police shot him in the head a few time to make him die, after he growled and snarled at them.

          The zombie apocalypse is almost here, can't wait.

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          • SirSlenderMan

            Bed, Bath, and Beyond is secretly the Umbrella Corporation.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Are you patroling the streets to make sure no zombies rise from their graves.

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    • s4rawberry


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      • Terence_the_viking

        Thanks for keeping us safe.

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