Is it normal to have a loss of appetite with a cold?
Is it normal? Or is that only with the flu?
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Is it normal? Or is that only with the flu?
Perfectly normal, and at least partly due to the fact that odour plays a large part in our enjoyment of food. If your nose is clogged up and you're feeling generally crap, eating just doesn't seem that appealing.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just make sure you drink plenty of fluids.
"Feed a cold, starve a fever" is the old saying, mainly because when you have a cold, food warms your body up. When you have a fever with a high temperature, not eating helps your body not heat up anymore. Eating food causes thermogenesis which causes heat units from calories eaten. But, not everyone will want to eat depending on how they feel, so yes, it's's only recommended that you eat with a cold to keep body temperature warm.
Ya when your sick taste buds dont work as well. And your prbubly not even thinking about food when your sick. But make sure you eat anyway because it can screw up you immne syestem worse if you dont eat which will make it so you never get better.
Normal, but you should eat regularly anyway. Stick to soups and stuff easy on the stomach and stay hydrated (water and juice).