Is it normal to have a panic attack after smoking weed?

I smoke pretty often but only occasionally (twice since January) I have panic attacks where I feel I've lost control. I feel shaky and weak. I just started coughing more than usual.i know most people have anxious thoughts sometimes but I'm talking about panic attacks where it is hard to walk and function.

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 25 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Marijuana can make some people paranoid.

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  • lordofopinions

    I didn't vote because there could be different reasons. The weed that you smoke sometimes that give you attacks could be laced with something OR the weed is sometimes more potent than other times. Just take small puffs and see if that helps give you a gentler buzz.

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  • Miranda0995

    I don't smoke because it makes my anxiety worse.
    Drinking is my thing. :)

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  • strangethingshappen

    Yes weed can do that to some :/

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  • NickyNeopolitan

    I don't have a panic attack. But the paranoia is like a 10 for me. I already over think stuff and wen I smoke its 100000xs worse

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  • nikkiclaire

    Yes, I am one of the people who have panic attacks on weed. Hate the stuff although I confess sometimes I smoke it just to have that aweful feeling. Well ok I did that twice 😂

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