Is it normal to have a phobia/disgust of body hair?

I am 23 and female. I am obsessed with my body and especially hair. I make sure literally everything is shaved except my arm hair (because I am afraid it will grow back even thicker and darker). If I happen to see a bit of hair I missed on my feet or stomach for example, I freak out and feel disgusted.

Furthermore, I am repulsed by hair on men. I am repulsed if I see a hairy guy even if there is hair on his legs. I can really like a guy a lot, but once I see that he has some chest hair or even worse (hair down there) I feel so sick to my stomach. Is this normal? What is wrong with me?

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58% Normal
Based on 119 votes (69 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • You'd probably get a heart attack if you saw me.

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    • almorr

      Same with me BUT when it comes to hair "down there" there is no person, including yourself that does NOT have pubic hair, I assume you have a permerant Brizilin and expect all the guys to be the same. Some hope

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  • spinerbrent

    How to make expression without the brow of eye?

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    • VioletTrees

      YOUR NAME. Flaw free.

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      • spinerbrent

        He is of yellow robot man like wizard in Oz.

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  • Nopubez

    I'm a British-born Pakistani and growing up I was ridiculed and bullied for being hairy. I made the personal choice when I was in the military living on my own to shave everything from the neck down. I feel much more clean and confident and only a few times have I had anyone ask if I shave or why I do it.

    I have been to nudist resorts and I don't go there to show off.

    I suggest everyone do a full body shave at least once in their life.

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  • wafflesundays

    Well people who have not hit puberty....

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I think you should get hypnosis that may be the ticket.

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    You people are crazily creepy. And not in the good way.

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    • almorr

      Fully agree witj you crazily creepy, hate those people who shave all the hair off themselves

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  • I disgusted of body hair too. I'm a guy. How can you live with arm hair? It's gross.. got rid of mine long time ago.

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    • Bellaitalia89

      Ahhh I know. I hate my arm hair. It's pretty light though so its not too bad. I love when guys have smooth shaved arms :) I think it's because it shows off muscles more and just looks cleaner. Better aesthetically

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  • flax

    I hate seeing stray hairs in showers and other bathroom surfaces. I literally hold back spew: it is an absurd phobia

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  • Mr-Myrtos

    I'm a extremly hairy 35yr old guy. I've hair all over my body. Some in the back to. Quite unpleasent.
    I take it of since more or less 15 year's when I decided to live in a naturist area in full time. Most guys here do it, its a matter of hygiene. My son with nearly 15 as some hair already and he started taking it as well.
    If you really love a guy with a lot of hair explain him and ask him if he minds to shave it or do it some other way. There is a lot of opcions for guys this days.
    permanent hair removal is good but very expensive. He can do it slowly.
    Male models, artists, body builders, football players and so on they all shave.
    I guess those problems can be solved talking and with no talk there is no relation that lasts.

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  • VioletTrees

    Sounds like a Problem.

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