Is it normal to have a phobia of needles?

Ever since i was a little kid , i have always had a horrible fear of getting shots.Even now i do , just the thought of a needle going into my skin makes me cringe .
Is it normal?

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 66 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Corleone

    There's a vaccine for that phobia, but no one dares to take it...

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  • Bigdickboy

    I dont think its scary but of course its normal, dont you watch tv? you might get one of the bitches lodged in your eye ball

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  • Katiex

    Nobody likes having a sharp, long thing thrust into their body and squirting or taking away something from inside their veins. You're perfectly normal. I had a blood test the other day and fainted as I got up to leave haha :')

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  • GuessWho

    You should read this then...

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  • lc1988

    I don't understand this. No one loves needles but when you have to take a shot, just do it.

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  • bananaface

    It's very common, so in a sense it's normal. It's a horrible phobia to have though, since we all have to get injections at one point or another. Most people don't like needles though, it's understandable.

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  • Avant-Garde

    When I was a kid, had no problem getting shots or having my blood drawn, but in recent years it's changed. I can't have shots without crying or get blood drawn. Last week, I got in this "health crisis" and I told my doctor that I couldn't do it. I went to the blood place and had I panic attack. I couldn't do It it, but then I had come back the next day because my doctor had threaten to put me in the hospital! So, I took two Xanax, listened to music and wore a blindfold. It hurt like hell and I was shaken when the woman was done, but I managed to do it. Perhaps, you could try the same?

    Good Luck.

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    God,i hate needles too.

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  • NotFloydzie

    Stop being a pussy.

    The best way to get over it would be by not looking at them while you're being shot or whatever.

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    • zchristian

      Not looking dont really help since you still know its there and also why so mean to cats? :P

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