Is it normal to have a phobia of people?

For I while now I've been having difficulty talking to people. At first I thought it was just me being shy but it's got to the point where I actually try and avoid face-to-face conversation with anyone because I just get so freaked out by the concept of conversation.

I know it just sounds like I'm really shy and paranoid but this is a genuine problem I have to deal with and I don't know what to do.

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44% Normal
Based on 70 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • rin

    A lot of the time I avoid people b/c I hate when people start conversations. I have to be in a really good mood to want to talk to people.

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  • RoyalKnight

    It's normal to feel that way, but are you sure you're avoiding people because you're truly afraid of them? You might be avoiding people because you fear rejection, embarrassment, and etc. I think this is very likely an issue of acceptance.

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  • awerfgaerg

    Not sure if it's "normal," but regardless of that, I think your best bet is to do your best to fight it. I realize that may be hard, but I honestly think it's in your best interest. If you can convince yourself of that, it may make it a bit easier. If you're still having difficulty, you might try putting yourself in situations where you can easily, naturally talk to people. If nothing else works, try talking to a psychiatrist or related professional, that's precisely what they exist for.

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  • Quiblum

    i wouldn't say you're too paranoid, but you're definitely shy. if you want to talk to people but are too freaked out to, then you should actually talk face-to-face more so you can get used to it.

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