Is it normal to have a stroke at 17?

When i was 17 i was out for lunch from school and i started feeling really weird, i turned to my boyfriend and mumbled "take me to the hospital!" By the time i got to the hospital my whole left side was completely paralyzed and after multiple physical tests the doctor told me i had a severe migraine and wanted me to go home and sleep it off. About an hour later i was woken up to my best friend telling me to go to the city hospital and get a second referral, at this time i was completely out of it. So i go and get a second referral and am told that i suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and had severe bleeding in my brain, and if i would have slept another hour i would have died. I spent a couple months in the hospital and eventually regained all of my movement on my left side. It has been 2 years since this happened and since then i have had severe post traumatic stress and anxiety. I am constantly scared i am going to have another stroke. To the extent where i can barely leave my house. All i wanna do is sleep. Everytime i get a headache i start freaking out and thinking im having a stroke. I shouldnt have to worry about this constantly, im only 19!!!

So basically my question is, Is it normal for me to constantly fear i am going to have another stroke or am i going crazy?

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34% Normal
Based on 44 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I had a stress induced MI at 43 and understand completely how you are feeling. Your mortality has made itself known to you and your future seems very uncertain.
    If you have been given a regimen to follow, and medications, and do so religiously and you should be fine.
    It will take some years before that feeling of being betrayed by your body fades, but it will, I assure you.

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  • delling

    First of all, it's not normal to have a stroke at 17, and it IS normal to have PTSD from it. I've never had a stroke and yet cardiovascular events are one of my biggest fears, so I empathize completely.

    Do you know what caused the stroke? If not, is there any way to find out? The biggest risk factors for stroke are fairly avoidable, so if the stroke came completely from out of nowhere, I'm sure you could avoid another one by not smoking, drinking only in moderation, maintaining your weight, and other things that are generally good for your health. But the fact that you had one at 17 makes me guess there's some underlying condition.

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  • thekitsunehybrid

    Dang wr all have fears i list 2 slender and heights

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