Is it normal to have a strong urge to kill a known child molester?

I know of a child molester that beat the legal system because "Daddy" is very wealthy. The person was molesting my daughter and her friend for over three months before we could get it out of the girls. He was turned in, and went to court, but the girls were afraid of him because he told them that he would kill their family's if they told on him in court.

Now he his doing the same to other children. I have a strong urge to use my Military Sniper skills and stop him once and for all!

I will never again take another human's life.

But is it wrong to "want to" stop him from hurting other children?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 209 votes (184 yes)
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Comments ( 85 )
  • Of course it's normal to want to kill the bastard who molested your own damned kid! I mean, hell, do SOMETHING. And please, feel free to keep us posted.

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    • Devyn

      @ True_Misanthrope: It may be normal to want to kill him, but that doesn't mean that you should.

      @ the OP: It would be much better to collect clonclusive evidence of his child molestating and present it to the courts. That way he doesn't die (he needs to be kept out of society, and never let back in, but no one deserves death), and you don't get convicted of murder.

      General pedophilia related ethics:

      - Pedophiles (i.e. those who are attracted to children) can't help being what they are and shouldn't be punished for it.

      - Child molesters (i.e. those who act on pedophilic desires and molest children) should be sent to jail for life, even if they reform, they should stay in jail because they're a danger to society.

      - Child porn, should be illegal, it involves molesting children. Watching it is supporting the industry and should therefor also be illegal.

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      • coolio75650932

        what about that guy who killed and milested thousands if children in canada (i was molested by him and im still rly scared of him although im 21) any ways he kilked many kuds he molested but cops stopped him befor he could kill me and then he said random crap about me being the molester ME a six year old boy who has ADHD a molester to adults? wtf? so then he said he would kill me but when theye let him out of jail (10 year sentence) i saw him every where like literary every where it my house window at the bank the store but when i had to walk through an ally cuz the road was closed he jumped at me with a knife and i had my own pistol for protection and he stabbed my arm and i was shooting wildly *cops came right befor he killed me again and shot him dead* its crazy how unlucky i was molested one of my sons has cancer i have AIDS my daughter died at birth my wife was killed its just to mucg guys any ways many deserve death ok many do

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        • coolio75650932

          sorry for all the typos my hands where numb

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  • Let me know if you need help with tracking, spotting, supplying amo, and/or disposing of the body. I'll carry a pic of my little girl with me for moral support.
    I can't imagine what you're going through and hope I never do. I'm so sorry this happened.

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  • shuggy-chan

    hi i think you guys should met

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    • myownopinions

      There's a difference between a pedophile and a molester. Though I still applaud you for finding the connection.

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      • shuggy-chan

        well to be honest, the stories where right next to each other in my feed, so i figured it was fate

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    • Its_Called_Love

      :( That guy is so gross. He says he just did it again... :(

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    • InvadingPotatoLeader

      Rofl ;)

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    • disthing

      shuggy-chan - bringing people closer together since 2012.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes, it's normal. This is one of the reasons I wish I had super powers so, I could get vengeance on people who have wronged others. The legal system is disgusting. I don't know where you live, but in my country it's like justice rarely gets served properly. It's sickening!!! There should be a law where those sickos get jettisoned into space and die from lack of oxygen. Why don't people protest for a change in this legal system???

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  • chicken471bologna

    So you want him to die a quick and painless death? How is that fair justice?

    The bastard deserved to be tortured and raped so he can feel what its like to be molested. Give him a taste of his own medicine! In fact you should kidnap and torture him then rape him up the ass and cum all over his face!

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    • coolio75650932

      lol you would just love to see that wouldent you? i say killhim with a dildo hook it up to a power drill and ram its in his mouth and ass till he dies

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  • bryson_willis

    The media is always out for a good witch hunt especially child molesters, this usually has the ability to counter powerful defendants. Get in touch with your local media houses and launch a another legal attack, it would be nice if you win but the main aim is to drag a name so badly through the mud that the next person who sues them has a great chance at winning the case.

    power is in the people not the person.

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    • coolio75650932

      i resent that... chuck norris has power and hes A SINGLE PERSON

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  • oleo

    make him suffer first

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  • blaster

    Normal, who'd blame you, most of our wars could've been solved with a bit of a snipe instead of bloody wars , I mean why didn't they just snipe Bin lardin yrs ago , look at the cost instead.
    But, nother angle and don't take it as sticking up for that guy in anyway because it's about mistakes.

    But I had a friend, real rough bastard, big and mean , don't even know why we were friends but another story.
    He treated his 12yrd daughter like an animal and let his gf do the same but I got along with her really well and hated seeing this go on. We use to talk a lot and she was a really pretty little chick, really smart but these two had destroyed all confidence/self esteem but, she was fighting on , enjoying school and some friends at least. Really horny and boys were a big issue . I was 20 but we still got along very well, I didn't see anything wrong with that, she needed someone that's for sure.
    She use to ask me all the boy stuff , we talked about anything and everything I mean she was with her friends what's the difference. Asked me if she was pretty and why all the boys were dumping on her all the time and I mean she was gorgeous and with her life the way it was , this stuff was all she had .
    I reassured her it was just them being moronic boys the way boys are sometimes and that any guy would be proud to have her. She'd say even you and I'd say yeah of course I mean if you were older I'd kill to get at ya , I mean we talked just like anyone else , she was just like any other older girl and very smart. We use to write each other notes too and someone found one. I mean I was all she had at home the only thing stopping her from cracking up and herself , whatever she was , was all she had and I wanted her to feel good about herself and know she was smart and clever and pretty , not the cow they made her feel like.
    This one note was a continuation of talking from a few days back about sex and she asked if I'd really wannna fuck her if she older - umm what a note for them to find.
    Imean we were alone sometimes all night , I even slept in her room sometimes cause when I stayed that was the only spare bed - never layed a finger on her , had every opportunity if I wanted too , none of that shit was anything to do with it , we were just friends talking just like like she would with her other friends.
    But it all blew up , I got beat up by him ad some of his friends, it was all over the area that I was trying to fuck his daughter.
    After alo that I hoped he'd calm down in a few weeks enough for me to explain abd I was due to move interstate in a few mths so I wanted to clean it up before I left.
    Went round a few times , once he wouldn't answer the other he came out with a gun, 4yrs ago and still not sorted.
    I've even wanted to go back to that area and see them still , just to finally sort it out . Dunno, even now how close I'd get though so still don't know how to straighten it out.
    So , on the other hand , mistakes can also be made in just what exactly ahs gone on as in my case as bad as it looked , absolutely nothing ! Still

    Not that I'm suggesting the post and this guys a mistake, just maybe other instances , shit can definitely happen.

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    • coolio75650932

      hay i know you your the guy i helped beat up by the looks of it that much writing and proves you didnt do it hmm mabye il tell my buddies about this then you could mabye hook up with your old friend :) (good luck)

      P.S. sorry about the round house to your face

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    • Charmo

      First off, about your comment of sniping people like Bin Laden: This isn't chess. The other side doesn't immediately surrender when the King is captured.
      As for the rest, a great cautionary tale for those that support vigilante violence. In the vast majority of cases, you don't have all the information. It is extremely foolish to take drastic measures like violence and murder when all you have to go on is circumstantial evidence and hearsay and the like. The law exists for a reason, one of those being to protect the innocent, like you.

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  • beastie

    Perfectly understandable.

    Your daughter has obviously been to hell and back.

    However, I ask you to please consider that she would lose her daddy forever if you were caught for this.

    She needs you more than ever!!!!!

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  • Romeodt

    I want to thank you all for your comments (and suggestions!) it really helps to talk to people instead of holding my anger in & letting it build up! You have brought me comfort and even healing. God Bless you for that!

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    • coolio75650932

      could you have umm mabye chuck norris bless me? i sont really believe in god (i dont wanna start a whole argument over if hes real or fake it dosnt matter and no im not jewish im athiest)

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  • Its too bad this conversation is already online as it makes things suspicious but if it werent I would be glad to do the work for you.

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  • Yeah, well be sure your kid is telling the truth. There was a female that said she was raped, the alleged rapist didn't get seen guilty, so the female's brother murdered the alledged rapist, then she later confessed that she wasn't actually raped at all.

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    • Romeodt

      I understand what you are saying and we made Damn sure the kids were telling the truth!

      She went through the hell of explaining what his Penis looked like. He has a birth mark on the head of it and she and her friend described it exactly. Their was a doctor involved that looked at his penis and confirmed their discriptions.

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      • Are you sure? If you are lying about the doctor thing, which is a likely thing due to it being patient confidentiality to tell you such things as their patients penis details, then you shouldn't act on what you're feeling.
        They could be lying, both of them, to bring harm to an innocent man. They could of easily of planned to lie about it and lie about the details of the man's penis.

        If you are not 100% sure, then don't act on it. If you are 100% certain that a doctor that has seen his penis, and is actually his doctor, then still don't act on murdering him, get him arrested for child molestation.

        I'm curious to know how you got this information from his doctor given that it is patient confidentiality, and illegal to give out private medical information.
        I'm not taking this man's side, he might well be a pedophile, but I'm not 100% certain that what you said about getting this information from a doctor is true due to the patient confidentiality thing.

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        • Romeodt

          Yes we are sure. The Doctor did break the Doctor/Patient confidentiality law, (we won't divulge why he did this, but he had his own personal reasons,) and informed us that yes, he did indeed have a birthmark just as both girls described. In exchange for him giving us that information, we agreed we would keep it to ourselves, and therefore could not use it in court against him. But at least we knew for sure he exposed himself to the girls.
          ItDuz... I am an intelligent man with a Masters degree in Physics, and a Masters degree in Molecular Biology.
          I would not accuse anyone, of anything this serious, unless I was “absolutely” 100% certain of it.

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          • Well, my guess would be to take him to court. Make him have to show his penis to see if he does have the birthmark. If he is guilty, then you should definetly get him seen as the monster he is.

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  • Live and let live

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  • Whats holding you back? Do it. Seriously! and dont talk about it on the internet. it will make things suspicious. If you killed for your government you should have no problem whatsoever to kill for your family. Its the honorable thing to do.

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    • chicken471bologna

      Oh yeah kill the molester and then get executed for murder. Yeah that seems way fair for the OP. Are you fucking stupid? Then his daughter would have to suffer through not only being molested but now also losing her father forever.

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      • coolio75650932

        ummm wasnt death sentance cancled like 100 years ago? lol murder is a 5 year sentace in prison

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  • How do you know for a fact the girls werent asking for it, or coming onto him in a very alluring and sexually provocative way?? Little girls can mature very fast these days, with some being sexually receptive and cognizant by the age of 8-10. That could have been the case here, and if that is the case its certainly not acceptable to label this person as a "monster" or "sexual predator" which we as a society are so quick to do. Were they able to describe exactly how large his penis was and whether or not the entire experience was pleasurable or not?

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    • That is not right. Whether or not the man was seduced by the children isn't the case, he willingly had sex with underage children. Unless they appear the right age for sex, then he isn't excused. If the girls look old enough within the age to have sex when they're not, seduced him, or didn't inform him of their age, then he can be excused, but if that isn't the case and he knew they were underage, he is a sexual predator.

      If the girls seduced the man, or if they were willing to have sex with the man, then they shouldn't get blamed for what happened to them, but some punishment is definetly needed for their stupidity for being willing to let an older man engage in sexual activities with them when they know it is not acceptable within out society.

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      • Romeodt

        May I remind you the girls were 7 years old at the time this happened. We have spent over $14,000 on therapy over 4 years, before she would allow me and my wife to give her a hug again! It has been a long road to get her this far my friend.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Yeah, much better places to ply your troll-craft. This was just disappointing.

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      • I will do better next time. I promise.

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    • Its_Called_Love

      I know your a troll, but too far.

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      • And this is the correct place to bring something up about child molestation? Not to mention Sniper skills?

        Fight fire with fire I say.

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        • BluntsRolled

          Head shot?

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        • Its_Called_Love

          Even if the young girls were coming on to him, he is a grown man, who should have put a stop to it. Giving into to that is what makes him a pedophile. If a child were to do that to me I'd brush it off as a childish crush, and ignore it.

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    • Romeodt

      I understand what you are saying, and to answer your question, the girls were 7 years old at the time, and she went into an isolated state after it came out. She was 10 before she would let Mom and Dad give her a hug again without kringing or pulling away.

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    • spyke8612

      Again Djpat pat post man pat post man pat and his...

      Are you a paedo? Why would you want to know this, or is rhis question your asking a retorical...

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  • JustAniceLady

    If you know this is happening why not turn him in?

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    • You're missing something - read the OP more carefully.

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      • Romeodt

        Please explain.

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        • (???)

          You clearly said that he was reported, but that he got off. That's what she's missing.

          EDIT: "Now he his doing the same to other children."

          Oh, I see. Looks like I'm the one who missed something. Sorry.

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    • Its_Called_Love

      He did.

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    • Romeodt

      Are you talking about now that we know he's at it again? We did. They said they can't do anything unless some one accuse's him again!

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  • Sabre

    Kill him only if you are at minimum 99% sure you can get away with it. Do not use any ammunition or firearm that can be traced back to you. I know for an absolute fact that he'd already be dead if I were in your position and had military sniper experience.

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  • michaels4p5

    Of course it is.

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  • coolio75650932

    im a legal assassin for hire the cops aprove the kill if the crime is that horrable gimme a call at 604-4567-1337 (yes i know it seems like a troll but its not i got the phone number my self and every thing all the real deal buddy)

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  • GuessWho

    Normal. People like that should die.

    Just take care not to leave any evidence that leads back to you.

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  • Certified_Boss

    If you dont want to do it give me his address and i'll do it for ya!

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  • M.U.

    In general, I really hate when people try to take the law into their own hands.... But after the legal system has been tried and failed, then it strikes me a totally reasonable.

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  • Koda

    No one is gonna understand this... but I think people get way too worked up and angry about sexual abuse, and not angry enough at terrorism and hate crimes. I think people get off on feeling like they're protecting children.. it creeps me out. Put away you're stupid shot-gun and your big fat, mad face, and call the police if this guy is molesting children..GAWD.. Children are always gonna be molested because some people seem to have some kind inborn attraction to youth...

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  • Who cares. They get caught eventually, they can't stop.

    Money will keep him out of trouble only so long.

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  • Austalien

    If he's hurting children then kill him but remember the consequence of the system, Are you in the U.S prison sentence would be a long time the price for justice.

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  • coolio75650932

    yo kill that basterd who cares if you swor not to take a life he/she never had on to start with

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  • pufferton

    Torture him before you kill him.. Pay some giant man with a giant dick to fuck him senseless.. without any lubricant. Seriously any person who would hurt a child, especially in a sexual way deserves to suffer and die in my opinion.

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  • SirDaedalus

    This is why vigilantes exist. It is difficult to sit idly by while you know such things are taking place. It is perfectly normal to feel this way.

    However, I urge you not to act on this impulse. Murder is not the answer, and even if you know that this individual is doing horrible things, it is murder all the same.

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  • ChocolateBlunder

    Have you seen the movie "Law Abiding Citizen"? If not, look it up.

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  • Charmo

    Wait, so why didn't you take him to court? Because he threatened you? Can't you tell the police that and they'll protect you (like, Witness Protection Program or something)?

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  • buntaboss25k


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  • Gelmurag

    If your a trained sniper, you also have some other training to go by. Because the law system says he can't be tried again for the same crime (double jeopardy) you might set yourself up a nice trap using the castle doctrine.

    See, if you can bait him into your house, you have the right to protect your belongings/people in the house with as much force as you see fit. If you happen to kill him, good riddance.

    However, given the circumstances with your daughter, my advice would not be kill him. Beat him within an inch of his life. Use that military training to your advantage. A few compound fractures, and a removed jaw with the subsequent years of physical therapy afterwards would send a pretty strong message.

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    • beastie

      Nice advice. I see where you're going with this. Not sure how you can "measure" the beating to within an inch of life though. He could still die and if that isn't the desired result....

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    • Romeodt have just become my Hero! What an incredibly logical person you are!
      Thank You!

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      • Maybe you should see some of his other comments relating to similar issues before referring to him as your "hero."

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  • Romeodt

    Don't get me wrong...I still feel the need to remove his sick ass from this earth! :o)

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  • donky3

    Kill him. I will help you. Murder him and blame it on Britney Spears.

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    • Romeodt

      LOL! I love it!

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      • donky3

        Yeah, I know. We can dump the body outside her mansion. It would be all over the news.

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  • PumpkinKate

    The urge is normal.

    If you actually did it, what life would your already traumatized daughter have?

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    • Romeodt

      Don't mistake me for a fool! I would not walk up to him at point blank range and shoot him! Trust me...I'd be a mile away when the Bastard got shot! (Some people will get this and some won't.)

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      • PumpkinKate

        A quote from something? I didn't get it...

        Anyway, if someone got away with murdering a child molester I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Not that I condone vigilantism, on account of there being too high a chance for abuse of the power, but still.

        Gibbs knows what I'm talking about. Just remember to police your brass.

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  • thecheese

    Go kill that pedobear.

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  • zchristian

    I have wanted and actually still do want to kill one for less but of course i wont do it jail isnt something for me...

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  • Shackleford96

    I won't advise for you to carry through with killing him, as this could have very negative consequences, but It is certainly normal to want to after what he did. I can't blame you at all for feeling like that. Maybe you could get some type of restraining order or something for you and your kid?

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    • Romeodt

      Restraining order has been in effect since we first found out about it. But thank you for the advice.

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      • Shackleford96

        Well, that's good.

        You are welcome.

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  • Quiblum

    I was totally with you up until the "a known child molester". C: No. Wait. Actually, up until the "molester" part.

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  • Gardenia

    I'm right there with you.
    They are scum of the earth

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  • DavidS.

    I think your feelings are normal and I am sorry about what happened hopefully she and you can heal ......

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  • shuggy-chan

    but seriously, im right there with you buddy, ill be you spotter

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