Is it normal to have a thing for masks?

I haven't really found ANYONE else that can relate to me out there, but certain masks like gas masks, plague doctor masks, and some Halloween masks I melt over. Its not just the mask, but also the person that wears them, regardless if I have even seen their face or not. The only times I've experienced this in real life was at haunted theme parks and I have two examples of actors who I became attracted to. One was this demon who chased people (including me) in the commons area. He wore a full head demon mask that was mostly a skeleton head with horns and he wore a long black robe. His hand motions, the way he talked, his twitches, growls, EVERYTHING about the character he became with the mask on made me a flustered mess. Another example was a plague doctor who would get in peoples faces while waiting in line. He mostly didn't speak, but his costume, the way he would quickly turn his head to look at you and get closer if you say something that got his attention. Of course, I wasn't weird about it and I was still scared or at least intimated by them. I didn't ask them out or did anything weird. Just... I dunno if this is normal or not but I think I just like the thrill? The thrill of the unknown the masks bring? I wouldn't even say that it makes me horny or turned on physically (at least, not all the time), but I can at least say that I am attracted towards these certain masks. However, I haven't been able to relate to ANYONE on this topic. Whenever I do look it up, all I find is leather masks kinks, gas mask + tight leather kinks, breathing kinks, masks + medical + blood kinks which none of those really fit into what I'm into.

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67% Normal
Based on 6 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • IrishPotato

    Have you tried glory holes?

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    • Ichigo1232

      Lolol no I haven't

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      • IrishPotato

        Might have the same effect, who knows.

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        • Ichigo1232

          Where the hell would I even find a glory hole? xD And its not even just solely a sexual thing either, like, I would like to see who I am having sex with, but I mean, you have a point I suppose. XD

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          • IrishPotato

            Make one. Bring a drill. Google search glory holes in [hometown].

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  • RoseIsabella

    I honestly don't get it, because the person under the mask could be an absolute toad for all you know.

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    • Ichigo1232

      I get that. I think it might just be more of the fact that Im attracted to the character they created, and how good of
      an actor they are, but no I understand what you mean. I honestly don't understand myself either tbh xD However, I actually did see the guy's face who was wearing the plague mask because he took it off briefly to talk to a group I was in, and he was quite handsome and nice.

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