Is it normal to have a very weak or almost useless hand?

I have barely used my right hand since I was a kid. I can hold things fine. But I cant do anything else with it. I cant even hold four fingers straight. Playing the piano is a nightmare. Video games are also a big annoyance. I dont have any disabilities. I just want to know if Im not the only one who's experiencing this.

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14% Normal
Based on 21 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • trexagireve

    You should jerk off more often, for the good of your hand

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    • StillNotAvocet


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  • BlueAlice

    I would honestly consider getting looked at and consider that you could well in fact be disabled. It's nothing to be ashamed of but I'm with mafioso. You should get looked at when you can

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  • mafioso

    Seems strange to me. You should consult this with doctors or physioterapist

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    • AungAlvin

      I have been to two doctors and they both said nothing's wrong and I just need more hand exercise.

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      • LloydAsher

        Then do hand exercises then. You have a weak ass hand if it's hard to do even basic hand movements. I had a testasterone deficency for most of my life, did it mean that I sucked at everything physical? Yes. Yet my left arm ain't useless.

        If what the doctors said was true... then you are the laziest motherfucker I've have ever heard about.

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  • Chap

    There are certain conditions I don't know enough about to tell you that sound like what you're describing. There's a YouTuber called Jessica Kellgren-Fozard with something like that were she describes what was going on. I'll link the video:

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  • a_junkie

    no hun, its definitely not normal. pls go to a doctor ❤️

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  • Wryladradofft

    If it's just a really weak hand and you don't have a disorder then it's not gonna get better unless you exercise it consistently

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  • SomethingChevy

    Doesnt seem normal

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  • Somenormie

    I can relate with playing with the piano as a nightmare, I enjoy playing the piano despite I have numb 2 numb fingers.

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