Is it normal to have akward, sexual situations with your own sister.

I'm a 24yo polish guy, who lives with his 19yo sister in one apartment since the beginning of October, when she began her studies on a university. I have always loved her and cared for her a lot, in my own way, but I won't bullshit you, we were never all that close and spent most of our lives not talking to ourselves all that much. And tho I've tried to be as helpful to her in the big city as I could, we kept it that way for most part of October, mostly sitting both in our own rooms when we were together home alone. It all changed somewhere in the middle of November, an a Sunday. She proposed me to have a couple of beers, we played cards, both got a bit drunk, talked together from 6 PM till about 4 AM. And no, we did not have any twisted, crazy sex on that night, or any other for that matter. But I got to have one of the greatest, most honest and fun conversation in my life, and for the first time in my life allowed myself to be the cynical, sarcastic, slightly rude and mean -self in front of my sister. And became surprised as she liked that, joked with me and didn't seem to mind, having a far more bitchy personality than I'd ever expect to see in a petite, blond, supposedly catholic teenager ( Yes, she is 19 and goes to church every sunday, I bullshit you not ). We acted like best friends since then. On the 14th of December she dumped her boyfriend. Had no good reason, just said she had enough of him and it didn't "click". Got drunk with me again. Asked if she can sleep next to me in my bed with a slightly shy, akward smile on her face. We did just that, laid on my bed together, me in my t-shirt and shorts, her in her PJ's. Both acting like we were doing the most normal thing in the world, but I couldn't stop being nervous and thinking "what the hell are we doing?" all the time. She hugged me and fell asleep. I had 2 hours of sleep at best on that night, feeling all excited and having no fucking clue what to make out of it. We've had breakfast together, and while I couldn't believe I just went to sleep with my adult sister sleeping next to me, she was her normal, playful self on that morning. Yesterday she went back to our parents home for christmas. Being an atheist and working I stayed home. We had all her baggage's in the car before, she was standing all dressed to leave in our apartment, the door to it was already open. And as I was saying my goodbye's, she closed the door for a second, gave me a hug, a short friendly kiss on the lips, said she'll miss me a lot and will be back on the 26th, and left after that. I tried to make nothing out of that, but the manner in which she closed the apartment door like she had something to hide, before kissing me on the lips...I just have no idea what to think now. As I know for a couple of hours, she also has a picture of me and her on her laptops wallpaper.
Also, despite all of the signals we have never talked about sex for a second. How can I be sure what is it all truly about before I decide what to do about it?

And to make it clear, as I probably need to, even though this is not supposed to sound like some twisted jerk off fantasy, I AM attracted to her, plus the taboo thing seems to be very, very hot. But try to answer me as if this is THE REAL FUCKING WORLD, not a japanese cartoon.

Seduce your sister. 955
Ignore your sister. 51
Gently talk her out of it. 121
Scold her and strongly talk her out of it. 30
Get her some help. 37
Help us keep this site organized and clean. Thanks!
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Comments ( 41 )
  • You should talk to your sister about sex. What you think of her signals to you and how you feel. And if she is not shocked and it is a good conversation, which I think it would be, tell her that you want to have sex with her. Make sure you are in a nice safe place at a good time where you can have sex without being caught so you don't have to go anywhere else. And wear as little clothes as possible. If she says yes then you can and should do it right then. You are both old enough and you will enjoy it.

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    • Boypole24

      We talked a little bit on the 27th, I've started teasing her as gently as slowly as I could, at first saying jokingly how she's the most pretty girl I know, than went down that road saying that she is sexy, and to my surprised she reacted perfectly well all the way, french kissing me after like 40 minutes of semi akward flirting. Yesterday we just talked and kissed again, and I've tolled her that I love her, she said she loves me too.
      I've gotten to relax a little bit by now, but most of you can't even imagine how I felt about being able to pull this off.

      When I started this poll I did not thought that this could lead to anything and that perhaps I was just giving in to my fantasies too much, but now I'm 100% sure I'll go all the way with this. I don't know if you're for real Kim, but thank you and others anyway.

      The thought of having sex with her, or maybe even convincing her to have babies with her some day makes my warm and excited like I was never before about anythng in my life.

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      • TwilightPsycho

        This post almost gave me a boner. I wish I was in your place.

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        • peterrabbyt3

          Me too! Want help with that boner?

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    • chewy

      Have you really had sex with your brother?

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  • farkelu

    I think it's sweet. Love - real love, not just sex or physical attraction - is so hard to find, and so precious when it happens. Leave these two be happy. Personally I hope they have sex someday, I think it will be the best either of them ever had because it will be based on love. Just take precautions not to get pregnant, the baby could be deformed or abnormal in some other way. And keep us posted, please!

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  • quentari

    This may be how she normally acts around her male friends (platonic ones I mean) so possibly it's all innocent. A lot of family members kiss each other on the lips and you were fully clothed in bed, but because you've thought that she might be wanting sex even once now it'll be on your mind and you won't be able to help but see everything as if she wants to have sex with you.

    Then again, she might actually be hinting at sex... hard to tell. If you're okay with incest then just keep acting natural until it's 100% obvious she want's to have sex with you, prematurely jumping the gun could find everyone in a sticky situation

    If you don't then once again, act natural till it's 100% sure then GENTLY say something like "you're not the girl for me" or "I like you but not in that way". Don't remind her that it's incest and "morally wrong" because then you'll also lose your friendship with her because she'll assume you think she's disgusting. Which you might, I guess.

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  • Boypole24

    Thanks for all the feedback so far. So it's past 3PM here, just came back from the gym and I'm talking with her on a messenger. She keeps being friendly like she was never before in our lives, and I do just fine playing along and being nice to her. Also she wants to go see a movie after she's back. Once again this does not seem in any way like an open flirt. She also emphasizes how much she doesn't care about her BF after I've asked gently.
    I'd quote but it's polish, and polish humor and style might seem somewhat retarded in translation... :P

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  • Gelmurag

    Siblings experiment. I don't really think there is another way to put that. If your own morals or culture don't prevent you from thinking negatively, my advice is to go very slow, and be cautious. Find out what is actually on her mind. And never ever force anything.

    I've talked to people with both sides of the coin in this situation. Some it destroyed the relationship they had, and even filtered into breaking down the family unit when more members found out. Others I've spoken with said it was one of the best experiences of their life, and they do it regularly.

    Incest is a touchy subject. These be dangerous waters you're treading, make the right moves and it might be ok for you. make the wrong ones and it might be the end of you.

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  • Justsomejerk

    You probably shouldn't have sex with her.

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  • Shorty123

    Seduce her n fuck her. I'm 25 my sister is 19 n we started to have sex a couple months after she turned 18

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  • peterr

    Never turn down a good fuck. Fuck her but suck her off first.

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    • peterrabbyt3

      You always have the right answer to everything.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I think since you say you're attracted to her, I think you might be mistaking her behavior as something more than it really is, or your mind is just naturally turning it into what you secretly or subconsciously wish it to be.... although, her behavior does seem a little strange for a sister. So, I guess I can see why you're questioning it.

    But maybe since you guys are siblings, she's acting the way she's acting, not because sexual feelings are involved, but just because you have that great of a brotherly/sisterly bond. She could be just naturally coming across as a flirt, but really she might not be doing it consciously, but it seems that way, because shes so darn comfortable with you, because you are her brother.

    She might have pictures all over her laptop of you, because of the strong bond you share. The 'bond' that your mind is turning into a small romance.

    Actually, I really am having a hard time wrapping my head around this. She is acting quite strange for a sister. I can't even imagine acting the way shes acting towards my brother. I find it really weird.

    Sorry if this is no help, but maybe you could ask her why shes acting so 'close'. I mean, sleeping in the same bed together? I could understand that maybe if you both were small children, but to do that as siblings at 19 and 24... you have a very sticky situation going on.

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  • Short4Words

    The answers all imply it is something SHE is doing wrong, but even if she did initiate you're letting this thing go on. If you do this, I'll tell you one thing, you will regret it. Not to mention it would rip your family apart most likely. Not that you aren't aware of these things, but they needed to be highlighted.

    I think you have to reason with yourself first, why it is wrong, and should never happen, you've come here, so I see you are trying. You guys have a brother and sister bond, you are siblings, why would you let that be corrupted, there are plenty of women out there. I understand the attraction, it might be even overwhelming, but please find a reason, whatever innocence/sibling bond you have between you two, will likely be lost after that, and it feels even less likely that you would get it back.

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    • Boypole24

      "The answers all imply it is something SHE is doing wrong"
      I did not mean to make it sound like that. Just tried to cover all the possible options that I have. I didn't try to imply that "I'm the saint and she needs some help", I want to simply know if I should be concerned for her. I couldn't care less what is "right and wrong" and about my own mental health.

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  • norn1107

    I am SO JEALOUS, and also happy for you!!! I also have a similar situation, although with us nothing at all has happened. But, I'm sad to say... that I REALLY hope it does! There's a lot of unspoken sexual tension between us, I just don't know how to bridge the gap, or if she would want to. Or, if I should keep my fantasies just that.

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  • Fixatime

    If she turns you on and you like it, fuck her you'll enjoy every minute of it.

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  • pixie_dust

    You ought to talk to her (not while drinking) about how u care for her but this is wrong and u could never have any kind of romantic relationship. Telll her that this is unnatural and impossible. Try not to dtink with her unless other people are around.

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  • Mando

    I'd recommend a very cold shower - for you. And a girlfriend - for you. You're sexualizing this.

    She's bonding with you as a brother. There's nothing that unusual that she's done from what you've said. If you were uncomfortable with the bed thing you should have said something. She just went to sleep.

    Make a move and you'll just regret it because you'll have damaged the trust she is building with you - that is - that she can be a woman and be safe with you, her brother.

    You have a special relationship (nonsexual) with your sister and that is a blessing for life - you're a lucky guy!

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    • Ldizzy1234

      Completely agree. Listen to Mando!

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      • Mando

        Repeating what you said!

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  • Boypole24

    I've been talking to her on the IM again, and after walking nervously around my room biting my thumb I wrote her, pushing it a bit, that "she's far too sexy for her boyfriend"; and got this answer:
    ":* well, now I really can't wait to go see that movie".

    I'm just so fucking puzzled by all of this. I think perhaps I'm just getting stupid ideas and she is just being playful and joking. I'll just keep her very close and try to be her friend for a while without pushing it any further, I guess.

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    • Ldizzy1234

      I wouldn't be her friend, or her lover. Be her brother! ;)

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    • Ldizzy1234

      And I mean that in a totally non sexual way. Just focus on being her brother. Thats all.

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  • SangoNyappy

    "I bullshit you not" Are you Yoda?

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    • Boypole24

      With some luke - leia thing going on, obviously am I.

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  • The thought of me doing this with my sister is repulsive! You need to end this shit right here before you have no family.

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  • CollegeIsNotAsAwesomeAsIImagin

    trolls will be trolling

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    • Boypole24

      Not the entire planet is as prude as the U.S.
      I hate your kind on the web, calling everything at least slightly out of the ordinary a troll, just in case that some anonymous person could trick you and outsmart you online.


      Well It all happened so fuck you.

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      • CollegeIsNotAsAwesomeAsIImagin

        You mad bro?

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  • peterrabbyt3

    Seduce her with alcohol and fuck her. I bet she sucks a mean cock too just like you do!

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  • lazurm

    Incest is illegal that can have legal results. Babies from incest have a significantly higher chance of obtaining recessive genes that cause serious birth defects. Incest is socially unacceptable. If she's a real Catholic she'd not be involved in any of this, so that doesn't add up.

    All in all, it doesn't seem that the odds of a successful relationship in this way is on either of your sides.

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  • WhiteWidow

    Just be upfront and talk to her about it. If you two feel the same way, there's nothing wrong. Obviously, you can't start dating or get in a relationship, but a bit of flirting won't do anybody any harm.

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  • Sonatah

    You're reading too much into everything. The way you described it, everything she did was out of an innocent place in her life as your baby sister. She feels like she's again growing close to you the same way she knew before you two parted ways. She's probably looking up to you as a minor hero in her life, stepping in and giving her a hand so much while she pursues her degree. She doesn't have to worry about managing her own apartment in that new world. She can trust her roommate not to bail on her, leaving the rent single-shouldered, or harassing her like some guy roommates might do. Good thing she's got her family to stand by her when her soon-to-be career is at it's most vulnerable. :) Now, allow me to say this. You're doing nothing wrong by seeing too much into these gestures from her. It's just a guy thing. I recommend telling her this: You're happy about the new closeness lately, but you're a little confused about how to feel about some things. You wish to understand her perspective. She'll tell you what's up if you're open and honest with her. She'd prefer that appraoch. It might even open new doors for your recovering bond. - Looking at this from a different perspective - If you try to use any underhanded means of seducing her, like using helpers, she could find out and your name would get a mighty stab in her Respect book. What if you make an advance and she's too surprised to handle it with grace? What if she notices it, lets you down gently, but the relationship doesn't recover? I urge you to give some thought to the idea that she might not have a shred of sexual interest in you, and it's all coming from a much younger girl within. Do any past behaviors start to make sense?

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    • regisphilbin


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  • Outsider21

    In the world of real life and not japanese cartoons, I'd say don't have sex with your sister for several reasons. One is that you will probably end up regretting it a lot and so will she. Also, if she got pregnant, the baby would end up having downs or being retarded in some other way. It's also illegal too so don't have sex with your sister. Be a good brother for her, don't try to seduce your own sister.

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  • qatum

    In my own point of view, leaving the tension there and enjoy all the intimacy without really create an intercourse is the best way to maximize your experience.

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  • EdgeFencer

    Woah I totally thought I'd be in the minority when I clicked "seduce your sister" lol laughed so hard

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  • Boypole24

    Phoned her 15 minutes ago, as everybody back in my parents place were asleep and she was alone. She told me how she's bored without me out there, I told her that we're going to have some fun when she gets back, and the culminating point was when I suggested we should invite some people over after x-mass, have a party before new years eve, and she said she'd rather spend some time with me. Once again, nothing even remotely sexual came up, but too flirty for comfort all the way.
    I do like her so much right, love her even, and enjoy her company. But I don't feel a bit guilty about being attracted to her and wanting her. I don't think I should feel bad for having these desires. But I'll try nothing without being sure she wants me to.


    If she doesn't want to have sex with me, I'll accept it and be her friend for the rest of my life, never be a stranger to my own sister again, I swear.
    But if we are going to live our lives both wanting something physical and not telling each other because of being scared to? FUCK THAT.

    Or maybe I'm just being delusional.

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  • whatisthenatureofreality

    Get her high on MDMA & she will tell you everything.

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