Is it normal to have an intense fear of furbies?
Ever since I was 7 I've always had an intense fear of Furbies. They are so freakin' ugly, scary and I find them extremely disturbing. My older brother used to borrow some of them from a nextdoor neighbor and tease me with them and I'm holding him responsible for my fear. My dad took us on a camping trip this one night and me and my brother we're sharing a separate tent from my dad's. He poked me to wake me up and the moment my eyes opened I found myself surrounded by Furbies. It scared the living shit out of me, especially with the way my brother tweaked the lamp light to make their eyes look more sinister. I ran out of that tent screaming and my dad had to come outside to calm me down and keep me from literally killing my brother.
I'm 21 years old now, in a happy relationship and I have a daughter of my own. My husband isn't aware that I have this intense fear. Every time we go to the mall and my daughter wants to go into a toy store I always have to find some lame excuse to not go in there with them. I am embarrassed to have this fear and it's keeping me from living a normal life.
I really hope I am not the only person on is it normal with a fear of Furbies...Is it normal? :(