Is it normal to have chickens as pets, but still eat chicken?
I was talking to one of my co-workers, who happens to be vegan, and the conversation of pets came up.
I mentioned my pet chickens and how fond I am of them, etc. He asked me if I'm a vegetarian, I told him I wasn't.
He said I was being disrespectful to my chickens by still eating meat and that he felt sorry for them.
He further insulted me by accusing me of eating them.
I then told him I still eat chicken from the store, but I would never eat my pet chickens and to shut the f*** up if he doesn't know what he is talking about.
This pissed him off further. He started asking other co-workers about whether or not it's okay to own chickens, but still eat chicken. Most of them said it wasn't.
I really can't see what the problem is...
is it normal to I have chickens as pets, but still eat chicken?