Is it normal to have chickens as pets, but still eat chicken?

I was talking to one of my co-workers, who happens to be vegan, and the conversation of pets came up.
I mentioned my pet chickens and how fond I am of them, etc. He asked me if I'm a vegetarian, I told him I wasn't.
He said I was being disrespectful to my chickens by still eating meat and that he felt sorry for them.
He further insulted me by accusing me of eating them.
I then told him I still eat chicken from the store, but I would never eat my pet chickens and to shut the f*** up if he doesn't know what he is talking about.
This pissed him off further. He started asking other co-workers about whether or not it's okay to own chickens, but still eat chicken. Most of them said it wasn't.
I really can't see what the problem is...

is it normal to I have chickens as pets, but still eat chicken?

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Comments ( 22 )
  • howaminotmyself

    What about pet fish? Is it weird to keep an aquarium and still eat fish? Why should chicken be any different?

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I grew up on a farm, and all of the scrap pork that we couldn't use got ground up and put back in the pig slop. Ask him his feelings on that and it will totally divert his attention from you.

    BTW, you are completely normal, I have a pet cow that I bottle fed from a calf named Baby. She will hang out with me while I fish, go on walks with me, follow me around on the four wheeler, and even hang out with me when i'm working in the pasture. Every once in a while she will come up to me and nuzzle her nose between my arm and my side, and keep pushing until I give her a good scratch behind the ears. Her foot even kicks like a dog when I scratch the right spot on her belly lolz. I will never slaughter Baby but I still raise, sell, and eat cows!

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  • He has a point, but he's failing to recognize that the majority of humans are capable of hold conflicting views on some moral issues and eating meat is one of them.

    I could not eat a pet, but I could eat their cousins if I was hungry (and if they had a decent life, no cruelty).

    Like I've had a pet duck and a pet rabbit. I have tasted both types of animals in "food". Both are very tasty and I might eat them again in my lifetime, but I won't go out of my way to eat them.

    I don't think there's anything abnormal about you eating chickens.

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  • zchristian

    Just like me i refuse to eat any animals that i know while i still eat meat i also hate that kind of vegans....

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's a contradiction, but it's your business. Look at farmers, some of them own cows. They milk the cows and butcher them for meat. They eat and sell their products. How would he view this situation? I'm a vegetarian, but I've never understood the vegheads that bash people for eating meat. True, the conditions at meat factories are disgusting, but consumers should be allowed to eat what they want.

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  • Boo!

    I think its normal.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Turn the tables on him?

    Ask him how many animals die to harvest his vegetables.
    Or his medications, tooth paste, etc.

    Cos if he says "none" and acts superior... show him this:
    <a href=";page=1#.T8o-hY7G6O0" rel="nofollow"></a>

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

    as a side note... wanna see something funny, feed the chicken to your chickens. yes they will eat it. saw it on dave letterman once. the chickens gobbled up nuggets as if it was the best thing they ever tasted

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    • I tried that. I gave my rooster a piece of chicken, recorded it on my ipod and showed it to him when he tried to start sh*t with me today. He threatened to call the SPCA and stormed outside. I laughed at his reaction.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Call his bluff.

        Most likely they'll just tell him to stop wasting their time.

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  • BlackDays

    A lot of cat owners eat Chinese food sooooo....

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    • wistfulmaiden

      My dad got me two cats. Once when I was 12 he took me to a Chinese place then pretended to find a cat whisker in his soup. I didn't think it was funny, at the time...

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    • LaBellisima


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  • wistfulmaiden

    Most vegans are a little ridiculous.
    I personally could not kill an animal myself but I eat prepared meat. You don't eat your actual pets right? In a lot of cultures they DO... I know a family who had a pet goat that the kids played with and after a while they ate it. Not something I would do but in many cultures it's normal. Avoid meat conversations with vegans they are like religious converts. .

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  • capcrunch6

    I have chickens so I can eat them.

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  • Moonbow

    Of course it's normal! People on farms often have cows, pigs, chickens, goats, geese, etc. as pets and they eat all those things. In fact, in the not to distant past, it wasn't at all unusual for people to raise and make a pet out of pig, turkey, or whatever, and then butcher and eat it after it got nice and fat.

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  • LaGolfa

    I'd say its quite close to cannibalism, sort of... and that's not normal. NO!

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  • westoptic

    Well, as a vegetarian who has pet chickens, it would freak me the fuck out to eat them. They're my pets, not my food. But you stated that you buy chicken from the store, so you aren't eating your actual own chickens. To me, its the same as "Is it okay that I have a pet dog but still eat dog?" It weirds me out to think about, but it's whatever you're comfortable with I guess.

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  • some people even own chicken and *gasp* slaughter and eat them!!

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  • hothotsummernights

    Why not? I have fish as pets but I'll buy fish and eat it. I find these people to be pushy like mormans lol no offense

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  • BlueAlice

    I don't see why not - I don't own any pets but would have no problem eating dog/cat/other kinds of meat 9unless the animal was an endangered species.

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  • sassafrassi

    Depends on where the chickens you eat come from.

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  • Justsomejerk

    Tell him you and your pet chickens eat chicken together. (don't actually do it though please.)

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