Is it normal to have completly random thoughts when trying to sleep?
When i close my eyes to sleep i can get completly random thoughts in my head, often the thoughts are in voices of friends.
for example:
''Nice that you bought icecream, now we can ride a horse''
It can be either in my own voice, in a friend or family's voice, or in a complete random voice.
I do know that it is only a thought, but its kind of like i dont control it myself - its always words / sentences.
This happens everytime im gonna go to sleep, while it happens im wide awake, it's not like im half-sleeping, but im having my eyes closed and trying to sleep.
Im super hypochondriac and been scared of schizophrenia etc, been to a psycholog who said that im not schizo, and that i shouldnt worry about it.
Anyone who gets the same or who got something to say about it?