Is it normal to have constant, extreme gas pain?

i've been to several doctors, and they've all prescribed me different things. none of the prescriptions worked. i've been tested for allergies, and nothing came up. i don't have irritable bowel syndrome, or lactose intolerance, either.

so what the hell is wrong with me? i can't eat anything without extreme gas pain and cramping for hours. it's usually immediately after i eat, as well.

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Comments ( 3 )

    Haverhill you seen a gastroenterologist? G.P’s don’t have the in depth knowledge to diagnose a rare condition.

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  • Thats honestly horrible, ive had gas pains before that felt like some of the worst pains ive had. You should maybe think about fixing your diet and just saying, even if you're not lactose intolerant you can still be sensitive to lactose. The tests arent perfect. Lots of people are sensitive to it actually, so it doesnt hurt to try lactose-free products for a while. It does sound very similar to IBS though and you can look up common IBS triggers yourself and try to avoid those for a while too.
    If nothing works it can actually be your thyroid if you're a woman.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I dont wanna say something stupid because you've probably tried it. But before your period it can happen. Idk if you are a female but sometimes you can have a cyst on your ovary that bleeds and feels like gas pains.

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