Is it normal to have disturbing fetishes?

To be more precise, these are fetishes that I've gained from imagery- drawn pornography. The Rule34 type. It's stuff that I simultaneously find exciting, yet also scary if I think too much on it.

I would never act on most of them, since that would be dangerous, but I can't deny that given the opportunity I would try some of them.

I can go into detail in a reply if you like, but as it stands I'm not certain if specifics are necessary for a response. I'd just like to know if things like that are odd to indulge in alone. I know some would be wrong to bring others into, but again- I don't plan on doing so.

Thanks for reading, and my apologies if this is weird

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77% Normal
Based on 31 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • fluffybumblebeeforyoutoeat

    It's totally normal. There's nothing wrong or unusual about liking fantasies that would be creepy, disturbing or dangerous in "real" action; the same way how people like horror movies even though the things that appear in them are obviously not actually nice.

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  • Wryladradofft

    You'll be fine. Regardless of what the fetish is, you're good so long as you can recognize when it's unfeasible or wrong to do IRL.

    If thinking about it really gnaws on your soul too much, I'd recommend writing an erotic novel or something. Fulfill the impulse in a way that's at least somewhat normal. That might help.

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  • jodi1955

    i think we all have those thoughts, feelings and wishes, yet most are not willing to admit to them.

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  • Yeah its normal... yet when i fantasy about mind controlling people or stupid crap like that its NOT normal... well.

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  • farkelu

    Yes, it's normal. My latest fetish is a version of hentai that features 3D women with outrageously large breasts AND cocks called futanari.

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  • leggs91200

    disturbing is normal.

    As long as they are not stupid fetishes. Well like there are women who eat on webcam and guys get off to that. Who the hell gets off on watching someone eat?

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  • badmanalive

    Define weird.

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  • Its all normal.

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  • Tommythecaty

    You a mad raper

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    • Eh, no- that's one that I despise, considering I've been the victim of rape in the past

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yeah Uh huh 😒

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  • Boojum

    Rule 34 simply states that, for anything anyone can conceivably think of, there will be porn depicting it.

    So I'm at a loss to understand your question, since all you say by referring to Rule 34 is that you like some sort of porn relating to something.

    I did wonder if I was incorrect in my recollection about the meaning of R34, so I went to that reliable source of all things weird, Reddit, and had a look at r/rule34. The only thing I saw from a brief scan there were a lot of (mostly) nicely executed graphics of women, either solo or doing your basic sex-stuff (plus a few with the obligatory tentacle weirdness). My main reaction was surprise and approval at how many of the women had nicely thick butts and thighs.

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    • I mean the website- which basically has a catalog of porn/hentai stuff. I refer to it considering its more odd side of the porn spectrum within the tags

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      • Boojum


        Some of the tags on that website are extreme: hair_between_eyes and blue_skin are especially shocking.

        It's silly how you're being so coy and not specifying what exactly is troubling you. The whole point of this site is that you can ask about this sort of stuff anonymously, and the last time I checked, the only banned topics are incest and bestiality.

        If you were getting off on porn where women are gang-raped, killed and dismembered, and the rapists then did stuff with the bits of her, then yeah, you'd have good cause to be concerned about why you found this arousing. Likewise if you were masturbating to porn involving children of either sex.

        I'm not very familiar with hentai, but I know people everywhere can have some very odd kinks in the bits of their brain wiring that deal with sex, and there's something about Japanese culture that means some hentai is extremely peculiar. It's like some of the artists try to think of the polar opposite of what most people find sexually arousing, and then make that the focus of the sex in the story.

        We're all free to imagine whatever the hell we want in the privacy of our brains. As long as those fantasies don't bleed over into the real world and start to have a negative impact on others, there's nothing morally wrong with imagining the most twisted scenarios your mind can come up with. But that doesn't mean that all fantasies are positive. Fantasies can be harmful to the fantasist up by keeping them stuck in negative patterns of thought or behaviour, and possibly leading them to do things that are harmful to themselves and others.

        If you ever suspect that you may be standing on that line and tempted to make your worst fantasies real, that's the point at which you'll need to acknowledge you potentially have a problem and step back. If you find yourself incapable of doing that, then it's time to seek professional help.

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  • LloydAsher

    Yeah I have those too. It's just for the excitement of it being wrong rather than for the act portrayed. I mean as long as no one knows you masterbate to it does it really matter?

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    • Well it shouldn't matter- but I'm a bit afraid that it might mean something bad about me..? Idk, I get frightened over simple things, this might just be my brain overthinking

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