Is it normal to have dreams like these?
I've been having these dreams where I either get killed (or get close to being killed), or I have sex with something very regrettable and talking about it would sometimes be borderline breaking the rules of this site.
Whenever people talk about weird dreams they have, they never bring up anything as bad as what I've been getting. I'm not sure if it's because they just don't want to talk about it as I wouldn't either if it wasn't anonymous. I haven't told anyone about these yet.
I had a dream where I was being killed by 2 normal looking guys in my own home trying to kill me by crushing me with a giant round stone tablet. I want to make it clear that whenever I wake up, it is always clear to me that my dreams were dreams. My dreams are never as clear as reality, but when I am dreaming, I think everything is real until I wake up. It is harder for me to think inside of dreams and my thoughts are unclear, but I still can think, and I think the dream is reality for the duration of the dream. In this dream, where I was about to get killed, I thought that getting smashed to death would be worse than just killing myself with a knife, so I offered to grab a knife and kill myself instead of being crushed to death. They agreed to let me do this, so in the dream I walked over to the kitchen knives and killed myself. At this point, I had no idea that this was a dream but like I said before, nothing was as clear as reality. When I woke up after slitting my wrists in the dream, my wrists felt warm and it took me a moment to realize that I was not actually bleeding out from having killed myself.
Another dream similar to this one, which wasn't as bad, was where a firing squad tried to kill me, but failed as all their guns were empty. One of the people in the firing squad was my brother and I had asked him why he would do this, but I don't remember his response. All I remember is that my brother actually wanted me dead. I don't think this was too weird, but it happened this morning and it is why I decided to write this.
For the dreams I've had sex in, I've had only one normal one. None or very few were actually wet dreams, just that the dream was about sex. I am not going to describe these, as I do not want to think about them or even put it into words. Just imagine very, very weird shit that you wouldn't even see in strange e621 fetish videos.
Are dreams this bad, normal to have? Maybe these dreams aren't even that weird, and it's just that I think they're weird cause I'm the one who experienced them. Just now as I've been typing this, I looked up others people's experiences and it doesn't seem too uncommon, but I haven't ever heard of anyone talking about dreams like these in real life, so it makes me think that these are not normal dreams to have. These dreams have been getting more common so that's why I decided to make this post. I doubt that anything in real life is causing these dreams to happen. I do not think that these dreams have any meaning.
TL,DR; I've had numerous dreams about me killing myself, getting killed, or having very unpleasant sex dreams, and it's getting more common. Is this normal?