Is it normal to have experienced such hallucinations?

It all started when i arrived to my cousins house and through the window i was seeing some familiar guy pointing at ice cream fridges like someone would with a wand from harry potter and they would surf on other side of the road and it would repeat pretty much every couple seconds he'd throw another fridge and then on our way back home the feelings intensified and seen variety of other vivid things that seemed real but never were such as cow manures coming out of other driving cars gas exhausts and as we stumbled across them with our own car i'd see how naked adult men were born from these manures and by the time we arrived to our own apartment, we've logged on skype and as video chat started everything seemed dark and there was something long across the screen looking like a sword and suddenly would see hundreds of heads impaled on it and in my mind i already made a conclusion that they were on their way to concentration camps to completely burn them. And wow when i'm trying to recall this year 2017 incidence it seems like i'm losing bits of information or are unsure what exactly happened but i'm certain that it was an unpleasant and a vivid experience.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • hidden.hands

    Were you on LCD?

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    • Giorgi

      Got some fine 4K TV screen over there in a living room.

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