Is it normal to have flashbacks/nightmares because of this?

So, about 7 months ago, I had to stay in an inpatient mental ward for a few days. Even though we were supposed to be allowed some of our own items (clothes, soap, basic items), the nurse took all of my stuff and when I asked for it back, she just yelled at me to "sit my ass down". She was quite emotionally abusive to the patients there, yelling at us, making stuff up about us so we'd have to stay longer/recieve punishment, calling us names, basically a real life Nurse Ratchet. She wouldn't even let us get up to drink water. I don't even know how to describe the experience without taking hours to tell it. The whole experience was so awful for me, I wouldn't talk to anyone for a week. I'm terrified of being sent back to another ward. Now, for the past 5 or so months, I've been having flashbacks and nightmares about this. I am reliving the experience over and over. Is this normal to experience these symptoms over something like this and what should I do about it?

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84% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • imadragon

    Yes these symptoms are common for someone who has been through something traumatizing. Read about PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). You should talk to someone about this because it seems like it's pretty hard for you. You're going to be fine, and you wont be sent to a place like that for this.
    Btw, it's one of the disorders batman has from his parents death.

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    • LeatherbackSeaTurtleIsABadass

      Thanks for that.
      Now maybe I can be Batwoman

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  • GuessWho

    You'd think they're supposed to help patients recover from whatever mental illness they may have, not traumatise them more and potentially make it worse.

    Seriously, that kind of abuse can fuck people up mentally.
    You'd go in sane and come out insane.
    It's like they want to keep the patients there, not help them recover and let them go.
    I suppose they're just after the money, and don't do their job properly.

    So, yes, it's normal to experience that after trauma or abuse.
    Maybe you should seek therapy from someone that actually cares about your well-being and not just your money.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You should try filing a lawsuit. And yes, it's normal and quite common for a person to develop PTSD after experiencing something traumatic.

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  • bamanthehippy

    You need to report that place, that is terrible.

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    • LeatherbackSeaTurtleIsABadass

      I reported the main lady who was being abusive but I don't know if she got punished

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  • Patkoalas

    Seems normal to remember that but that sucks :(

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  • Maggie2000

    This is a dreadful account of what should have been a healing time for you. Could you possibly report this 'nurse' to the manager of the ward? This nurse should not be allowed to work with people with mental health issues. Send an anonymous letter to the manager so that this nurse's behavior can be highlighted. The ward is obliged to take any complaint seriously.

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