Is it normal to have gastritis/gerd/anorexia fetish?

I'm a 17 yo girl, and I have thing with stomach ache.

Ever since I was little, I'm always turned on whenever I see or imagine stomach ache. The stomach ache is also specific; it's always been either gastritis or gerd. I go as far as watching videos of people in agony or vomiting and read medical explanations of those diseases. I also read extreme diets that may cause gastritis/gerd and idols who pass out because little to no food they've eaten. Just thinking about it arouses something inside, although it's never sexual. More like, it drives me for wanting to observe people with pain.

For anorexia, I just like to imagine how painful your stomach will be if it's left empty for too long. I like to imagine of a person wanting to lose weight so badly she/he goes without food for a week... I wonder how much it hurts. How will the stomach cope with the condition; the stomach wall rubbing against causing ulcers, adhesion, producing excessive stomach acid, etc. I've never experienced one, frankly, thanks to my mom who takes care of my meals so I don't have to suffer from those experiences.

If anyone ever has such experience while dieting, I'd like to know! You can always comment up, but if you think this fetish is weird, I'm not forcing you. Also, if anyone out there is like me, please, let me know.

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11% Normal
Based on 37 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Rihyae

    It's an aching burn and when I bend over my stomach folds like an empty bag which also hurts. Eventually I don't feel the hunger pangs, but I get nauseous if I don't take a vitamin in more than three days. I'm not anorexic though, but I fast sometimes for a week or longer.

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    • Ellenna

      Fasting for more than a day, let alone a week or longer, is not healthy. You're decreasing your life expectancy and setting yourself up for all sorts of nasty health issues.

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      • Rihyae

        But ):. I can't stop. Plus I love when ketosis kicks in.

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        • Ellenna

          If you can't stop you need to get professional help before you damage your body permanently or just die.

          Please don't continue like this: it's very dangerous.

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  • Jacob_Zuma_783


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  • rayb12

    awesome, when you're 18 I would make a fetlife account, you will find many others like you in this way

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  • KingRabbit

    There is a word for this, masochist.

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