Is it normal to have gay experiences as a child?

well as a child i've had several gay experience, like kissing other guys and even going down on eachother. however, i was young, im now 17 and ive been with my girlfriend for over 2 years now and im in love with her, we do actually have a mature relationship, although these thoughts of the past keep creeping up... its causing a lot of stress, especially knowing some of those experiences were started by me. now, im not homophobic, i have no problem with gay people, however its just not something i can see myself being. but i feel because of my past, i still have some like guilt and also lingering thoughts in my head every once and a while, im wondering if this is normal?

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90% Normal
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Comments ( 27 )
  • moomus

    You were experimenting, it was a phase, now chill!

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  • Lostboy

    Hey Dude, I too have had the same situation when I was 11. Like you, I still feel guilty or disappointed about it. Hang in there man! Life is too short to dwell ya dig?

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    Relax, it's normal and it happens a lot more than people think, for both male and female children. If you're heterosexual now, then that's all you need to worry about.

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  • bigguy2010

    It's very common for children to look at each other and try things out. Kids are curious. If the other kid was older, then he/she has a serious problem that must be addressed. Otherwise, let it go. It was your distant past.

    Learn from the past, prepare for your future, live in the present.

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  • Jj3980

    I have ocd and right now I'm really having trouble with thinking I may be gay but I know I'm not ive read so many articles that I can relate to I'm not even attracted to men at all but my brain is questioning that . The only gay rcourence I had was when I was 7 me And a friend had touched each others parts for a few minutes but I see that's normal at that age but it's crushing me more everyday I'm so depressed And can't stop thinking about why I did that but I'm 28 and since then never had anything like that happen it's makes me sick I've had 5 girlfriends and have slept with over 30 females I just don't get why that incidebt I had wheh I was 7 yrs old is killing me but every week seems that my ocd changes I coukd walk by my dog with a knife to eat dinner And think I'm going to stab him or hear about a phedophile and think I'll become one , I don't know how long I can deal with this I hsve a great life And miss the old me

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    • Bigdogg9999

      Bro I feel ur r u dealing with it now cuz I'm in the same boat

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    • dwrek

      I hear you man. I can relate to a lot of what you said...

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  • g4free1991

    i dry humped my brother. lol

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  • xstarbugyx

    Does your gf know ?

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  • zenji

    There are heterosexual adults that engage in homosexual sex, they do it for fun. They're hedonists. They don't desire a romantic relationship with a member of the same sex, their heart doesn't race for their "own kind." Anyone who says childhood same sex experimentation is an absolute indicator for being homosexual is a moron. It's about the mind's desire, not the genital's. Don't let social and cultural myths bother you. Alfred Kinsey had a numbered scale for people to indicate their sexual orientation on. Some people are very hetero, some are bi, some homo, some different at different times of their life. Sex is looked upon with silly superstition, don't waste energy on it. Just be kind and safe, beyond that, all is permitted.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I don't think it's gay if you haven't hit puberty. Did you know you were being sexual?

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  • lovewomen57

    It happened to me as kids we doing really know better about stuff we just do what we want when are parents aren't around. I know this is weird what I'm about to say but I made out with my dog yes I know it's gross but I liked it when I was a child, I preyed that night about it. I am sure there are a lot of shameful things we all have to say but are to scared. That's all im saying I don't want to share another experience, it was not sexual it was just curious.

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  • sherc

    ty guys i just had the thought pop into my head tonight and just got so depressed. i thought i was just weird for 16 long years but now i dont have to. ty this made my life so much easier.

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  • kevin06

    I wouldn't sweat it,look in side yourself, if you have persistent thoughts about your experience and find it turning you on, don't do what i did and try and bury it.
    I had a four yr affair from 11 yr's to 15 yr's old with a man four times my age.before the affair i used to like wearing my sisters underwear,well as was bound to happen i got caught,the man, my mom's boyfriend decided he would teach me what it really felt like to be female.after my breaking in period i came to crave our time together it was unbelievable,I never to this day have had such climactic experience's.just before my 16th b-day my older sister caught us right in the middle of it,I was so embarrassed. she tore a strip of my mom's b-friend and said to me i will talk to you later.about 8 pm that night my sis came to my room and we talked, she said she always had her suspicions about me but didn't care as long as i didn't act on it.But now that i had taken it to the next level she was concerned.she said if any body found out i would tormented at school and labeled as a fag and my life would suck,she was probably right after all it was 1981,So i did what she asked and suppressed my true feelings and played the straight role for the next 25 yr's.It tore me up in side, finally at41 i said screw this, i was now separated from my wife and could finally live my life.I spent 25 yr's hiding,if i had it to do all over again,I would have thanked my sis for her advice,and said i am what i am ,i am going to find the life that makes me happy ,not everybody else.So have a look inside yourself if it was experimentation just leave it at that. PS. best of luck.

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  • Mason334

    Dude my experimental phase and my I live my cousin phase mixed

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  • Personally I think it means your gay I dont know any straight guy who has done that... Or it could mean you bi either one I think but I deffently don't think it is normal.. Sorry

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  • Anthony49

    Your original comment sums up my exact experiences. Couldn't have said it better myself, I've recently been feeling exactly as you do. I love women and know that wont change but I sometimes get these pestering thoughts that make me feel terrible about myself. Just reading some of these comments makes me feel completely better on the subject and relieve much stress/guilt. I refuse to let childhood curiosity to haunt me anymore. Thanks for posting/sharing.

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  • Binkamadink

    Around 5-8 I had a female friend (same age) that was my best friend and we did tons of sexual stuff together, from humping eachother to touching eachothers vaginas and kissing. We were just really curious about sex stuff and naturally experimented with the closest available person (eachother!).

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  • Oliwan

    Does "cooties" and "girls rule boys drool" or vice versa have anything to do with it? I had experimented too with the same sex at a young age, but my friends were dudes. The girls at school were bitches.
    Later in High School at your age I had broken down and had myself almost convinced I was a homosexual, but I was scared. I figured I could just put those thoughts away of having a penis in my mouth for a few seconds, forget about it all...but you can't. So now straight sex porn plays a vital role in my life.

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  • ncraig915

    It depends on how young you were when it happened. It's possible that the child you were experimenting with was abused, and so ended up abusing you. Sometimes people end up being really messed up over stuff like that. I've had a wierd experience too (I'm a girl, it was a friend, we were 6 and kissed as a game.)

    It could be normal though, it depends a lot on how you feel about it. If you feel like this is really affecting your sexuality or f*cking with you, then it wasn't normal, and you might need to seek help. But if you're in a loving relationship, and the feelings that you have aren't bothering you THAT much, then its fine. Just be cool, and don't worry about it.

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  • question is , did you swallow, and did you enjoy it and miss it? Its normal, but all those things need to be considered. Maybe you are gay? I don't think so personally, but guilt is part of normal sexual behavior for most people. Have great sex, stop being so up tight, and forget the past!

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  • Theta_Sigma

    I do know of children who have consensually experimented with each other, and that's normal. However, children aren't as mature as adults and tend to have less of a grasp of right and wrong, so even a well-meaning friend could have pressured or forced you into something you weren't comfortable with. It's hard to tell what childhood experiences mean, because the memories fade and we reinterpret them with new feelings as adults, so I'd focus on your feelings now rather than what things you did in the past meant.

    The truth is that most people are at least a little bi. More women admit to being gay or bi than men, and more self-identified straight women admit to having tried or wanting to try gay sex than self-identified straight men do. This even varies by region, which shows the difference is cultural.

    Even if you are okay with other people being gay or bi, men liking men in our culture is more than an orientation, it's an identity. Even if you know you're attracted to men, that may be a threat to your sense of identity, how you see yourself, the kind of person you think you are. You may have a lot of internalized ideas about what it means for a man to like men. I think some of these assumptions might need to be reexamined.

    It might help to separate it from labels for a bit. Straight-identified people DO have gay sex (and gay-identified people do have straight sex!) or you could even think of yourself as "bicurious" or "heteroflexible" while you sort out your feelings. Who you're attracted to doesn't mean you have to live a different lifestyle or change who you are.

    Oh, but figuring things out doesn't mean you should cheat on your girlfriend if it isn't an open relationship. You can learn about your sexuality without actually needing to road test anything. Liking men doesn't mean you can't like women, too! Lots of people love both.

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    • powerion

      I was 8 years old and my friend told e of I didnt let him hump me he would tell all he girls and they wouldnt like me. So i let him hump me in my butt with my pants and draws down and I had to hump him too. but our penis didnt go inside eachother butt. It only happened for not even a minute after I said to stop both times. I think about it alot because i didnt really know at the time. Sometimes I think im gay or that I cant get any females because of it. What do ya'll think!

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  • Same thing. i was 10. kissed my bestfriend who happens to be a girl, haha it was awesome.. dont stress about it

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  • korn3654

    I cannot empathize because I've never had that feeling let alone act it out!

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  • dont worry about it! put your mind at ease it means nothing now

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  • Trismegistus

    It is normal,if you were both consensual.
    If there was "mutual consent" involved.
    And none of you tricked the other person involved into doing "gay stuff".
    I must say this tho:
    Most kids experiment with gay sex only for lack of consensual females.(pretend I didn't just say that if you can)
    You'll probably become a slightly depressed bisexual struggling with your gay side and hiding it from everybody around you.Until your girlfriend or wife,busts you busting a nut in the living room,in your best friend mouth.
    Lucky for you some psychiatrists officially declared war on homosexuality,and if you are experiencing distress because of your sexual orientation,you can go to them,wish the gay away and get on treatment.Then you'll kind of just stop fantasizing about penises fling sideways in your mind and just get into butch women.:-)

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