Is it normal to have homicidal thoughts?

Ok so one day me and my sister were just talking and all of a sudden I get this weird urge to choke her. I would never do that to her. I can't even kill a bug and I'm not bi polar. This has happened again recently with my other sister, the thought just randomly occurs. If it helps I have been diagnosed with panic disorder. Please don't be mean and say I'm a physco-path or I'm crazy. I need to know if any one else has experienced this to. Please help!

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Comments ( 21 )
  • chicken471bologna

    Well you sound like a crazy psychopath if you ask me.

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    • JakePlaid

      A psychopath wouldn't feel emotion or worry about their mental illness.

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    • Right_Winged_Nut

      Depends how you look at it.

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  • RinTin

    I do too sometimes. Sometimes while I'm driving I feel the urge to swerve into traffic. Sometimes for no reason I get the urge to choke my dog or hit her to death. (Of course I'd never do it.) It feels like you have no control over yourself. It feels like your actually about to do it but you don't.

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    • Anonymous7899

      I get it too.That dark feeling you get when no ones around and you think of all the ways you could off them one by one and you play the scenarios out in your head.Thinking of it for hours even days on end.That feeling that at any given moment something could set you off and begin a bloodbath of destruction and carnage.Nothing held back,just the clock ticking away as the time we thought we had so much of slips through our fingers like sand.We're so convinced by religion that we are meant to be in love with each other or to love one another.Its those voices that talk and tell you to tear everything apart,that primal instinct.

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  • tell her

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  • housekeeperdidit

    It does not sound normal wanting to choke your sisters. It sounds like ocd maybe seek professional help and see what they will say. I am not an expert it is best to seek help early so you can get treated.

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  • November11

    though my stepdaughter looks like a blond angel, she often twitts her will for homicide, for punching people in the face, for breaking her dad fingers. she's bipolar... and going to the doctor and taking medecine helps her to have some control over this... before going to the doctor and taking the medecine, she really beated her mum...
    if your feeling for homicide or harm people comes often, just take an appointment with a psychologist. It doesn't mean you're mad but you need an help to understand what is going on.

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  • tedias

    It's always recommendable to discuss these thoughts with professionals or someone close- the internet isn't one of the most reputable help systems.
    But, who doesnt get the urge to choke someone? I get that way with really fragile things (cups etc) or animals- no clue why.
    But I understand that it's an impulse and i know i wont do it.
    There's the clue- as an impulse, it's subconcious and uncontrollable, so doubt feel guilty about it or worried, we all get them. it's the controll of the impulse that counts :)

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  • Foreverdecay

    Guys... I have that too. Sometimes ill sit and watch tv and suddenly ill have a random thought of killing my mom or hurting my dogs. Anyone in my house hold. Im completely fine when these thoughts occur. Im not mad, nor upset. And my family never did anything wrong to make me think such things... I would NEVER hurt anyone.. And it scared me. Sometimes i avoid certain objects i could hurt people with and i stopped watching my favorite crime shows. It all freaks me out now.. Ive asked a friend, and he has it too but not as extreme. More of a "what if" thing. He says im fine and he thinks everyone has these thoughts at one point. But i dont think thats true. I read on it and the reasons for it are endless.. It could be an ocd disorder, or the fact that i take prozac, or because of my borderline personality disorder or because i have panic attacks. I need help.. Im scared.

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  • markiii

    i have it to tell me if u need someone to dicsuss it with

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  • helice

    Everybody has a wee bit of this in them. Don't let it bother you.

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  • squirrellvr

    i think everyone thinks these thoughts, not because you want to do them, but because your brain can think it. Its just putting yourself into a scenerio, kinda like a daydream. Ive thought that way..."what if i just punched her...what if i slipped and fell and hit my head....what if i swerve into traffic??" tons of things will cross your brain...youre human and its curiosity. I think youre just fine. Unless you start getting the urge to actually follow through with it, or attempt it. Dont sweat it.

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  • thatmuffinman

    I feel like killing people more often than I'd openly admit. Just never do it lest given a good enough reason, Like some prick stealing my cookies. All jokes aside I'd save murder for things like hurting someone I love dearly. I'd set someone's house on fire, but yeah, I think its normal.

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  • Chimpokomon

    Believe it or not I've been through the exact same thing I had violent and sexual urges that I couldn't control but I never hurt anyone I just always felt like I would, some specific urges I had were to drown my sister in the pool , every time I was someplace high up I would have a strong urge to jump off. I had these urges from age 10-15 and I was scared to be around people but I found out it is OCD look up OCD violent urges online. I finally talked to somebody about it and said I was worried I would hurt somebody and they said the reason the urges don't make me a violent dangerous person is because I'm worried about it were somebody dangerous would either not care or enjoy it.

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  • DiamondEyes4121

    I feel the same way to! Idk y though

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  • sokrazy

    It really could be OCD. I have OCD and I sometimes have intrusive thoughts that I would never act on. It sometimes bugs me though that I would even have these thoughts but really I have no control over it. They are unwanted thoughts so it has nothing to do with who you really are.

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  • weinereater

    Probably Ocd. If intrusive thoughts are a problem you can have OCD. Everybody has weird thoughts like this but most people dont even notice them because they are of no significance. Your anxiety having these thoughts make them stand out and stay in your mind. There is a book called tormenting thoughts by Ian Osborne you should read. You dont have to have the repetition or rituals you see with classic OCD to have OCD intrusive thoughts. Dont worry the type of people that have this condition are the last type of people to carry out these thoughts or urges. I know its embarrassing but you need to go to a psychiatrist to get it under control so your not so anxious about it.

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    • This most likely. Im aspd which is like a less extreme psychopathy. You dont just become like that it takes years and gradually develops through your teens. I couldn't pay attention in school, vandalised things, fought with other kids, lied all the time (why im such a great troll) got arrested multiple times for impulsive things and never ever ever have i said sorry and ment it to anyone. There would be others with aspd on this site and they'd tell you the same thing. Ocd sounds likely though.

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    If you do not act on your thoughts they will get worse and you will end up killing little kids. Kill your sisters and end this now, nobody will miss the skanks anyway

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    • thatmuffinman

      Devils advocate for the win.

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