Is it normal to have inability to exercise when not sleeping well?

So, I apparently didn't sleep well last night. Some girl was walking her dog and it started barking at some guy entering my neigbhor's yard which woke me up, and I was later awoken by the mailman. Later in the day, I was feeling pretty tired and I tried moving my car by pushing it, but I noticed I quickly fatigued, which I don't normally; I can normally just keep pushing and pushing and just keep on pushing, regardless of how much I sweat. I ate much carbs earlier so I don't think hypoglycemia was the issue. I also noticed that I had orthostatic tachcardia (pulse rate stays above 100 bpm when standing, seems to normally happen when I didn't sleep well.). All this seems to suggests the lack of good sleep was affecting my heart functioning and I made sure I got enough sodium/magnesium/potassium/carbs earlier(The essentials), kind of mimicking heart failure (Moderate increased physical demands significantly increases heart rate above normal, exercise intolerance, etc.) on some level. Is this normal when not getting good sleep?

I suspect lack of sleep increases baseline cortisol levels increasing noprenephrine/epipnephrine receptor sensitivity, which means that when cortisol is released during physical demands, a higher level of vasoconstriction occurs causing the heart to work harder/faster to pump a sufficient amount of blood to the muscles. I could see how this might decrease the maximum amount of effort one could sustain, if the amount of blood sugar and/or oxygen delivered to the muscles is subsequently decreased. More vasoconstriction -> less blood sugar/oxygen delivery to muscles -> faster fatigue. I suspect.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    There are some nights where I only get 3 hours of sleep, I don't eat any sugar, and I'm still able to exercise. Idk maybe it's normal for some people.

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  • swbluto2

    Perhaps I was hypoglycemic. The four bananas I had tasted awfully good, and a bowl of popcorn with salt tasted pretty darn good. After that, the panic subsided and it's well known that hypoglycemia can cause anxiety. And, it /seems/ hypoglycemia has been a recurring theme lately. (Well, now that I think about it, I had 10g of sugar with my cocoa, and spinach with fish for lunch. And, I walked around all day and started feeling really tired midday. Okay, that's probably what it was; hadn't had my standard equivalent carb intake to 6-7 bananas, lol. And, yes, the unending unyielding tiredness and the palpitations while laying down should've been telling. And, the seeming dementedness. lol

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  • swbluto2

    Time to man up. Fear is just part of who we are, but courage is taking action in spite of it. I'm going to be a man and just go to sleep, lol.

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  • swbluto2

    Eating all that cocoa was a *bad* idea. The demented paranoid kafkaesque imagination I'm experiencing now doesn't seem to suggest I'll sleep particularly well, lol. (Fear of not sleeping well; check, lol.)

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  • swbluto2

    To quip the ter mah natah, "Levity is good. It decreases the fear of death.". Yep, noticeable calming affects, just what I need, lol.

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  • swbluto2

    Hmmm.... I noticed I was feeling anxiety, so I ate some bananas and noticed that tasted pretty good. My anxiety seemed to subside a bit, but I noticed that it started picking up after sitting a while. I suspected my circulation was impaired by the sitting, causing the anxiety (Insufficient cerebral blood flow -> anxiety), so I started walking around and it went away. The suspicion my circulation was impaired was supported by the fact I experienced a semi-black-out from the standing up. I started walking around and I kept thinking "signs of heart failure", even though I optimistically think it's just a lack of sleep causing it, but then I remembered seeing that research stating teenagers who tried to commit suicide are at significantly higher risk of early adult heart disease, and even though I never committed suicide, I distinctly remember having strong thoughts in that direction at times. I thought, "Oh man, I'm part of the 'unloved' demographic that either tries to off itself early in life, or dies from early heart failure/problems.", and that's making me depressed, lol. My doctor keeps telling me to stop worrying because I'm too young for heart problems (29) and I'm 'fit as a fiddle', but that nocturnal breathing spasming episodes and panic attacks earlier this year (First nocturnal panic attacks ever and first panic attacks ever, at age 28; I noticed this also happened to one other person online in their fifties who needed a triple bypass.), and various episodes of intense chest pain the year earlier didn't do much to increase my optimism. I'm exercising and trying to eat right, but I feel like I'm possibly fighting an uphill battle with the goddesses of fate. And, using concepts like "fighting" in my everyday thinking makes me think I'm fundamentally hostile (Even by nature, or as molded in response to me in my environment), which is also associated with heart problems, lol. This cesspool of pessimism I'm experiencing just seems to never end, lol. I feel like I just need some sleep and not the eternal kind, lol.

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  • swbluto2

    I think I will do some light exercise to try to work the chocolate/coffee out of my system faster before going to sleep. I know from experience that having high levels of theobromine/caffeine in your body while sleeping is a BAAAD idea, lol.

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  • swbluto2

    I also ate a substantial amount of chocolate/coffee earlier to combat the amount of sleepiness I was earlier enduring, but I think I might've of overdid it. I'm now feeling fear/anxiety that excess amounts of chocolate/coffee seems to induce. However, I now feel wide awake, so I suppose excess chocolate/coffee consumption is a double edged sword, lol.

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