Is it normal to have nuclear yellow liquid frothy diarrhea?

My guts r a mess. I frequently have diarrhea with veggie chunks in it. It's gross. But occasionally I have these strange shits if u can even call it that. Just wondering if anyone else has had this.

So from frequent diarrhea and these occasional ferocious dumps that make me think I could possibly be part alien, I have to use, quoting my husband "ridiculous -$6 a roll- like ur wiping with gold" princess toilet paper. Cuz my butt gets sore (Not really $6 a roll. just some super soft aloe infused paper that costs twice as much as his cheapie gas station -might-as-well-be-sandpaper toilet paper.) Anyways, every once in a while I get these crazy shit cramps and without notice I gotta go right now. It's EXPLOSIVE!! it's this toxic waste looking water that comes out of my ass, burns and smells like vomit. Then when I think I'm done and move on Within 5-10 mins I'm acting like a 10ft WWE wrestler plowing thru anyone and anything to get to the porcelain for round 2. This can keep going on for a few rounds. Today, we went out to dinner, had a lovely meal and were walking out the door. When those gurgley pains slapped the smile off my face, I had to take my hand off the exit door and run to the bathroom instead.

Oh I hate using public bathrooms not just cuz of the germs but really becuz I have A LOT of GAS and it's loud amplified by the toilet bowl and I happen to find farts very very funny and they make me giggle. So anyone in the restroom not only gets beat down by the noxious orders and loud noises, they then hear me in the stall trying to stifle my laugh with my hands which sometimes make the giggles sound like elephant noises. -I am so fucked up, I know. After 30, I drastically give less of a fuck. (I've recently enjoyed crop dusting people at the grocery store and walk away laughing just for fun.)

So back to the restaurant: My butt is shooting out doody water like a fire hose when I realize, I have the car keys. So my husband and kid r stuck standing out in the parking lot twiddling their thumbs. So I hurry and squeeze as much liquid out as I can. Finally I feel safe enough to leave. We were about 5mins in to the 20min drive home and I gotta go! My kid inherited my guts so now 2 of us have shit emergencies. (Unfortunately this happens a lot) so I'm sweating my kid is yelling "I have to fart but I'm gonna poop my pants" we are cussing at every stop light, demanding my husband drive like a lunatic but screaming in agony when he hits a bump. We make it home and I have another of these weird radioactive shits. Is this normal????

FYI: Round 3 is currently taking place as I write this -thought u would like to know

Also, coconut oil works great for a butt hole on fire. Just put some on ur TP before hand, then happy wiping.

And in case ur wondering, Yes there have been times that I have been brutally betrayed by farts. Or laughed to hard and... or just flat out didn't make it.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Jesus Christ...

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  • dirtybirdy

    That was beautiful.

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  • wigz

    Invest in a bidet attachment for your toilet. It will save your ass from getting raw and save money on TP.

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    • The_Loitering_Creep

      Or hang ass over the bathtub and squirt you butt with a hand held shower.

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    • Shamraw

      That's a great idea!

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  • The_Loitering_Creep

    I am in awe of your writing skills. That was the most lurid gross descriptive gut wretching and graphic language that anyone has put on this website. You deserve a writing award.

    As to the condition of your GI tract, all I can say is try a double dose of Pepto-Bismol. One other thing. Make sure that anything that touches uncooked meat does not touch the meat after it is cooked.

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  • Mememememee

    Seriously? Are you really asking if thats normal? Of course not!πŸ˜‚ If you eat meat I would stop, also you probably have to much bile. Maybe start taking a bile binder. Maybe you know me! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But keep writing cuz I could read your work all day longπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜

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  • Fockit

    There is nothing normal about any of this. I am sorry mostly for your poor husband. Good luck!

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    • Shamraw

      Believe me he's no saint. He drops these tarry nasty ones that smell similar to old tennis shoes rotting in a garbage can in august. I feel sorry for the walls and sink and toilet. It takes HOURS to air his grossness out

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