Is it normal to have one side of the vaginal bigger than the other sid

My husband recently has called me fat. I am 5'1 and have inch. I weigh 110. I haven't gone any higher than 115. I used to be severely underweight and take a medication that helped me gain weight. My stomach is not flat. I'm 44 years old. He recently said I couldn't have had any bigger camel toe in the shorts I was wearing but previously loved the outfit and said it when he was angry with me. The only thing I have noticed is that one lip or side of my vaginal is slightly bigger than the other side. Or puffier. We have been married for 26 years. I can say some really horrible comments that he has said to me but I would have to write a book. I asked him before we left if I looked to fat in the outfit I had on. He said wear whatever the f you want. He never made a comment through two stores and two minutes before we were home he said the comment about camel toe meaning my vagina. I've become so conciensious about myself even if I didn't stay with him. I don't think I could make love to another man or him ever again. Is this what love is. Is this what a husband should say to his wife after 26 years of marraige. I now wear all loose clothes. And am so hurt. I don't know if it will ever go away. It is a permanent memory in my mind. I feel stupid to even print this.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Sounds like you're married to a complete bastard! Do you ever say things back to him? I would make a jerk like that cry like the bitch he is.

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    • amiloved

      I do sometimes but it only makes things worse on me. He is very mentally verbally and emotionally abusive. I called the police one night because he wouldn't stop calling me the c word and several other nasty words . He calls me so many bad names I don't want 2 get out of bed. I have mental disabilities and it obviously has become worse when I can't get out of bed to function and he won't go for counseling because he believes I'm the problem. And says I'm abusive because I stopped doing the housework and errands and making him dinner. I won't do anything for him. I've been thinking about leaving him so I can get well. I keep thinking he's gona change but if he hasn't in 26 yrs. I would imagine he's not gona. He has completely ripped my heart out at this point. I have nothing left in me to get up and fight back or just get out and move on with my life. I've even asked him to just keep the peace until we do split up and he says he doesn't care. Until I change he won't. So I've learned to hide in my room. Thank you so much for your thoughts.

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      • green_boogers

        Rose Isabella is right. Get to a battered women's shelter right away, and talk to one of the counselors. You are at the bottom of the spiral. Talk to them NOW.

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      • RoseIsabella

        You're very welcome. Maybe you can check out a battered women's shelter to get some information.

        God bless you.

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