Is it normal to have one side of the vaginal bigger than the other sid
My husband recently has called me fat. I am 5'1 and have inch. I weigh 110. I haven't gone any higher than 115. I used to be severely underweight and take a medication that helped me gain weight. My stomach is not flat. I'm 44 years old. He recently said I couldn't have had any bigger camel toe in the shorts I was wearing but previously loved the outfit and said it when he was angry with me. The only thing I have noticed is that one lip or side of my vaginal is slightly bigger than the other side. Or puffier. We have been married for 26 years. I can say some really horrible comments that he has said to me but I would have to write a book. I asked him before we left if I looked to fat in the outfit I had on. He said wear whatever the f you want. He never made a comment through two stores and two minutes before we were home he said the comment about camel toe meaning my vagina. I've become so conciensious about myself even if I didn't stay with him. I don't think I could make love to another man or him ever again. Is this what love is. Is this what a husband should say to his wife after 26 years of marraige. I now wear all loose clothes. And am so hurt. I don't know if it will ever go away. It is a permanent memory in my mind. I feel stupid to even print this.