Is it normal to have 'personalities' for each number?

i just realized that when i was little i created personalities and a story line for numbers so it was easier for me to memorize the multiplication table. Something i still use to this day and never noticed it until now. for example: 9 is very evil, and tries to ruin everything and pull away the other numbers from their spot. 8 is nice, but because 8 and 9 are so close he feels peer pressured to be mean to the numbers he cares about (4, 5, and 7) and because of these personalities i gave the numbers thats just how i remember them. anyone else do something similar?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • --

    0 is a fat duck

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  • Sad18yo

    In my kindergarten-3rd grade classroom (it was a small school, ok lol) the numbers from 1-10 were hung from the ceiling above the whiteboard and printed in all of our notebooks. Each had its own color, and I spent so much time looking at them that I associate each number with its color to this day.

    1 is white, 2 is green, 3 is red, 4 is yellow, 5 is purple, 6 is blue, 7 is brown, 8 is orange, 9 is pink, 10 is black.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Weird but kinda cute

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  • IWishIWasJoking

    Yeah for me 5 is the goody two shoes, 4 is a gold digger, 6 is a hippy, 9 is evil, 7 is a loner, 8 is weak, 1 is old and 0 is mysterious

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  • RoseIsabella

    Um, no.

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