Is it normal to have phases of morbid fascinations?

I have phases of morbid fascinations...

Simialar to the way people rubber-neck when they pass by car accidents. I like to go onto the internet and look up morbid subjects such as car accidents, murders, etc. and look at the picture for a few seconds. I don't know what it is, but the pictures fascinate me. I don't gain pleasure from them, but the pictures are so intriguing. These phases that I speak of will involve a few hours on the computer looking this stuff up, seeing it, and finally just going about my day. This may last for a few days but ordinarily that is about it.

I don't talk about it, and it doesn't affect my life. I have much regard for human life and to see or hear about this happening saddens me as it would any other human being. I have much sorrow and empathy for the victims of these atrocities, but otherwise, I am just fascinated to look. I'm not violent or resentful and I don't wish death or torture or such misfortune even on those that I am disgusted by the most and I would never do, or dream of doing any of these things to another human being, and the pictures even disgust and sicken me but I am still so fascinated by them. Is this normal?

Voting Results
83% Normal
Based on 92 votes (76 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Frosties

    I guess it's human nature. That's why they make horror films.

    I have things that disturb me too, an itch I often scratch.

    I read about politicians.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Yes I do it so it's normal. lol.

    I search for pictures of victims of war, famine, genocide, natural disasters, anarchy, sadistic murderers, and all that poop. I like to remind myself that I should be grateful.

    I think people do it out of the urge to understand what "ending" is. Whats the one thing that a person can't imagine, you know? Not Being.

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  • Kie3PO

    Of course it is normal, it's in our nature. Remember, it was not that long ago that our form of entertainment was watching people fight to death in the Colosseum!

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  • myownopinions

    It's human nature. Disturbing, yet normal.

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  • lufa

    Same here, I think it's just natural to be curious about such things. I've some of the worst that one can imagine on the net-much more I'm sure I haven't seen. I think what bothers me the most-aside from psychopaths who killed their victims in terrible ways, are the people in the BDSM subculture.

    It saddens me to see these poor, weak, helpless women being relentlessly and mercilessly tortured. I'm not talking about the willing ones who do it for money, but the ones that you can tell don't want to be there and for all you know they were kidnapped. It's the look on their faces that says it all.

    I fantasize about reversing the roles and seeing the torturers get what they dole out in spades. Really pisses me off. Again I distinguish that from people who enjoy a little pain with their pleasure-which I'm not averse to as long as it's all consensual and within reasonable limits.

    It also really grinds my gears when there are some people out there who appointed themselves to be our overlords and think they know better than us about what we can and can't look at and want to censor certain material from being viewed for "the greater good."

    The reality is there-I didn't create it and I see nothing wrong with viewing anything and everything that humanity has created-good or evil.

    Like the OP I'm also a very decent person and it hasn't made me one bit less compassionate towards my fellow human beings-apart from the sadistic lowlife scum who belong in hell if it existed.

    The two most dangerous groups are those who kidnap and torture/kill people and those liberals who want to prevent us from seeing or knowing about such crimes or deciding for us what we are 'allowed' to see.

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  • ThisIsNotAUsername

    I do exactly the same thing! Because of this fascination, I went on to study Forensics.

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  • Faceless

    Yeah fuck! Remember In the early years before bought em, it was full of morbid shit. I dont know why I watched it but it was captivating.

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    • Legion

      no, but I remember a site called
      I visited it once years ago. kinda sounds similar

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    • Darkoil

      Nothingtoxic was the bee's knees. Sick but really funny at the same time.

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  • I do it as well.
    Definitely normal.
    No worries.

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  • Legion

    Well, people always seem to be fascinated by violence and death, hard to admit, but true. I like to read about personal accounts of serial killers and those who have been declared insane, especially if they tell us some of what they were thinking when they did it.

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  • I do this too.

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  • helice

    I do this as well.
    I have a fascination with serial killers and listening to the black box recordings of commercial flights that went down.

    I reckon that it is normal to have a bit of a morbid streak, it doesn't say anything negative about your stability.

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  • Flirty108

    I thinks it is normal as a teen/adult, we are all curious and explore things that fasciantes us, thats what makes us want more of this attraction to "morbid" we are all at one point of our lives curisou about death and the dark stuff. i must say i myself am attracted to that as well :D! but i hope that doesnt make me wierd!

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  • squirrelgirl

    I go through moods like that too. I call them my "dark moods". However, when I get into these moods, I don't really look up bad things that have happened to other people - I just look up creepypasta stuff and listen to sad music because that's what disturbs me.

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