Is it normal to have phases of morbid fascinations?
I have phases of morbid fascinations...
Simialar to the way people rubber-neck when they pass by car accidents. I like to go onto the internet and look up morbid subjects such as car accidents, murders, etc. and look at the picture for a few seconds. I don't know what it is, but the pictures fascinate me. I don't gain pleasure from them, but the pictures are so intriguing. These phases that I speak of will involve a few hours on the computer looking this stuff up, seeing it, and finally just going about my day. This may last for a few days but ordinarily that is about it.
I don't talk about it, and it doesn't affect my life. I have much regard for human life and to see or hear about this happening saddens me as it would any other human being. I have much sorrow and empathy for the victims of these atrocities, but otherwise, I am just fascinated to look. I'm not violent or resentful and I don't wish death or torture or such misfortune even on those that I am disgusted by the most and I would never do, or dream of doing any of these things to another human being, and the pictures even disgust and sicken me but I am still so fascinated by them. Is this normal?