Is it normal to have prophetic dreams?

Ever since I was a child every once in a while I would get weird dreams or say odd things.For example when I was 5 or 6 I lost a stuffed toy that I had gotten for christmas.I looked for it everywhere but then I gave up and went to bed.I dreamt of walking down the hall and into the living room where there was a tv shelf and pushing a picture away.Behind it was the toy.So then when I woke up I went down the hall,went to the living room CLIMBED UP A CHAIR and pushed aside the picture.Behind it was my toy.I have know idea how I knew it was there.Especially since I was too short to even reach it by myself.

Also when I was three or four I apparently told my mom not to move into an apartment below the 6th floor because when the world floods we would drown.I think I may have freaked her out because we've never lived in an apartment below the sixth floor since.
So do you think this is normal? Or Am I psychic?

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 41 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • awkwardkartoffel

    I have dreams that foresee events sometimes, as well. I've gotten used to it over time and for me, it's normal, but I'm not sure about others. I used to think everyone was like this, but I suppose not.

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  • LunarFelis

    Does anyone else in your family do this? I ask because all the women in my family have prophetic dreams - it seems to be hereditary. Even if it's just you, it's pretty sweet. Ever thought about development circles?

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    • My mother has told she had experienced similar things in her life.She told me that when she was a child that she saw a ghost,since her home was near a cemetery.i think she also had a premonition of the boat she was going to ride on was going to sink.I have no idea what a development circle is.

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      • LunarFelis

        That's interesting - it does sound like you take after your mum. A development circle is usually part of a spiritualist group. If you have some latent "psychic" abilities, they can help you develop and control them - if you want to, of course!

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  • Well if you guys need to know more...
    there was another time when I was in grade 4.My family was moving so I had to go to a new school.I've never been there or seen pictures of it but I saw the view of the hallway outside my classroom in a dream.The thing is,the school was built in a weird shape (the classrooms and halls were kinda angled)and was nothing like the other schools I've been to.

    Actually in general,I get a lot of deja vu moments.

    Also i don't know if this counts but all my electronics break really quickly.My T.Vs,my dsi,my psp,my n64,my ps2.It might just be shoddy workmanship,but the second T.V only broke after it was moved into my room while the first broke when I actually started watching I'm kinda suspicious.Actually my laptop is the only one that lasted more than a year...but it is barely clinging to life.The battery is broken,the USB ports blew out(exploded),and it is the only electronic I've been using everyday so maybe that's why it lasted so long.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Gelfling must fulfill the prophecy before the great conjunction!

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  • GuessWho

    I believe it's possible, but you're going to have to provide more information/stories/experiences if you would like me to comment on your individual situation.

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  • Shackleford96

    Sounds cool, what other prophetic dreams have you had before?

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