Is it normal to have prophetic dreams?
Ever since I was a child every once in a while I would get weird dreams or say odd things.For example when I was 5 or 6 I lost a stuffed toy that I had gotten for christmas.I looked for it everywhere but then I gave up and went to bed.I dreamt of walking down the hall and into the living room where there was a tv shelf and pushing a picture away.Behind it was the toy.So then when I woke up I went down the hall,went to the living room CLIMBED UP A CHAIR and pushed aside the picture.Behind it was my toy.I have know idea how I knew it was there.Especially since I was too short to even reach it by myself.
Also when I was three or four I apparently told my mom not to move into an apartment below the 6th floor because when the world floods we would drown.I think I may have freaked her out because we've never lived in an apartment below the sixth floor since.
So do you think this is normal? Or Am I psychic?