Is it normal to have random bruises?

I get random bruises on my body. I'll be going about my day and something will hurt and I'll look and see a bruise. I never know how I got them. This is weekly since I was a child.

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50% Normal
Based on 14 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • sweetone89

    I guess it's okay. Do you hit stuff like car doors, cabinet doors, corners of walls, etc, and not realize it?

    Has a doctor done some blood work?

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    Do you drink? And I'm not just implying that you're getting blackout drunk; the body simply bruises more easily while drinking.

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  • ellnell

    Yeah I always find bruises on my legs in the shower, sometimes really big ones even.
    The other day I had one on my arm.

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  • goodlooks987

    This is normal for me. Everytime I got to school I have bruises on my arms and torso so I have to hide it from my friends and teacher. My teacher asked my why I have so many bruises and I just said because I fell off my bike... I actually got hit by my mother when I was asleep and so that's why`

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  • litelander8


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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Lemme get one

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