Is it normal to have road rage?
I have road rage pretty bad when people don’t drive right. Too slow. Riding the left lane. Cutting off. I don’t swear or tell I just drive extremely aggressively and get so angry.
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I have road rage pretty bad when people don’t drive right. Too slow. Riding the left lane. Cutting off. I don’t swear or tell I just drive extremely aggressively and get so angry.
Normal to be angry at shitty driving and behaviour.
Not normal to add to it.
Unfortunately, there's no shortage of dickheads in the world, and a lot of them spend some of their time on the roads. There are also a lot of fools on the road who have the idiotic delusion that they're expert drivers, and yet they allow themselves to become enraged by others and then drive like dickheads.
My attitude when I drive is that everyone in a vehicle near me is incompetent, inexperienced, and distracted, and they're about to do something incredibly stupid that will endanger me. So I keep a safe distance from other cars, keep my attention focused on the road, and I'm constantly trying to anticipate what the idiots are about to do next.
Allowing yourself to get pissed off at other drivers does nothing good for your health, and it makes you a worse driver. Driving aggressively makes it much more likely you'll be involved in a collision, with all the pain, hassles, and expenses that will involve.
You probably believe you're a very good driver, since the vast majority of people do. That delusion results in people taking chances, and taking chances results in collisions.
I've genuinely never understood the rage that "cutting off" can provoke in some people. It's like they believe that they have a God-given right to always have space in front of them, they should never have to brake, and nobody else has the right to get to where they're going before they do. Basically, once they get in their little metal and glass bubble, they believe nobody else has the right to be on the road. When it happens to me, it only confirms my beliefs about the number of self-centred, incompetent drivers there are, and I ease back, because someone like that is also likely to make other stupid moves.
If anyone honestly believes they are a perfect or best driver, they need to grow up. I live in Denver, everyone moving here means awful drivers. I am in no way perfect (I drive with purpose, but people forget others have places to be) but I have to be extra careful for they will do moves that don’t make sense and cause a wreck. Like coming over into my lane when we are the only two people on the road and make me nearly come to a stop. Like what were you honestly thinking. If you don’t drive somewhat aggressively you won’t get anywhere. But I’m just tired of people making dumb decisions.
You always say that, but those of us who have a longer attention span than a goldfish do read his comments. Your relationship with him is like those where one party just wants the other to shut the fuck up and fuck them. And then say "Thanks, love! See you tomorrow! Love ya!"
When I was a kid, I used to have lawsuit happy neighbors who saw aggressive drivers as easy targets. All I'm saying is driving aggressively is only going to get you into trouble. It's not worth getting mad over and you could wind up crashing into the wrong person.
Just be safe your self and stop the road rage shit! Someone could have a serious issue going on and don't pay attention to driving. No sense getting all pissed off, just get away from them safely and go on with your day.
I have to chuckle at people who blame others for "not driving right"... as if they're expert drivers. Road ragers are more dangerous than the drivers they so despise. I've noticed those people speed up when people are turning right into their lane (with PLENTY of room, mind you), just so they can lay on their horn, they seem impatient, they think their big truck/BMW/Mercedes/whatever entitles them to a road where (god forbid) someone dares be in the lane in front of them and deserves to be bullied off the road.
An angry entitled attitude gets you nowhere. I drive like i ride my motorcycle.... as if i were invisible. I don't drive like a newbie or a grandma, but i don't drive around at 85 mph either. I don't trust other drivers who overestimate their driving skills or think the left lane is just for driving over 80 mph at all times.
Yeah it's normal, just don't act stupid or you're really going to cause a crash. That said, I'm just going to rant a little bit here.
I get a little pissed at most things I see on the road. The guy going too fast or too slow, the guy with obnoxious bumper stickers or an obscured license plate (no way some of these plates are legal), the guy weaving, the two guys driving directly next to each other, the other guy attempting to weave but who ends up slamming on his brakes because he can't get past the guys driving next to each other, the guy who never uses his turn signals, the guy who cuts you off...
...and one more category of people I call "coasters". They're an off-shoot of the people who drive too slow, except they don't start driving too slow until their turn or a red light is coming up. They slow down a full block or two away from the stop and just "coast" into it. It's annoying on red lights because the light could turn back to green by the time the guy gets to it, so he's slowing down everyone behind him. It's way worse if it's a regular turn, though, since not only do they slow to a crawl way too early for the turn, but they also take the turn as if they're afraid that any speed above 5 mph will flip the car. Combine this with not using a turn signal, and I want to take a bat to their rear lights. With how slowly they take the turn, I bet I would actually have time to get out of my car and make a good dent by the time they completed it. I switch lanes to get around these people whenever safely possible.
Yeah, I'm always yelling in the privacy of my car "It's not fucking Sunday, some people have to get to work!!!" when I'm on my way. When I'm coming home I'm cool.
Driving like an idiot with the rest of the idiots is stupid. I get angry at shit, slow drivers too. But I don't drive like I'm in GTA... Thrashing my car, or getting in a wreck won't do any good.
I use xenon high beams and the horn to deal with bad drivers. And the occasional angry overtake, but when I'm past them I continue to drive normally.
In 20 years it'll all be automatic and no one will have to complain but we will anyway
I don't have a Ford truck, so pitting bad drivers is not an option for me XD
I just bully shit drivers into the right lane with my xenon brights and the horn.
Mine are stock Bi-xenons. They don't produce glare on low beams, but on high beams they are really bright. Perfect for making soccer mom suvs and minivans move over and turning dark night country roads into day country roads XD
I love the xenon look, gives a car a cool, crisp, modern look. Swapped my fog lights for xenons too. They will be useless in fog, since a lower light temperature is better for fog (under 3000k, my xenon is 6000k), but fuck it... I want a cool and aggressive look, besides there is rarely fog where I live. XD
Don't make me buy a W900 Kenworth... I do have a commercial truck license too... then we'll see who gets the last laugh, so play nice. XD
Besides, I don't live in the US. But if you do come to Germany, or Bulgaria do stop by. We'll have a round of drinks. Bavaria is well known for it's breweries, good food and affordable drinks.
Bulgaria is known mostly for the same things, just everything is much cheaper.
When I moved to Italy, I bought a Nissan Navara (branded Frontier in other parts of the world), partly because I had a need for it living on a small farm, and partly because it was massive compared to the vast majority of the cars Italians drive.
Italians are, as a rule, crap drivers, and they're particularly bad at tailgating. Rear visibility in the Narvara was limited to what I could see with the side mirrors. There were lots of times when I'd think there was nobody near to my rear end, and then some dinky little car would suddenly pop out from behind me - usually to overtake me on a blind curve. It bothered me at first, but I soon decided that if they wanted to hang out back there, it was fine with me. If one of them rear-ended me, their tin-plate and plastic car would definitely be the loser when they hit the chome-plated steel of my back bumper and the trailer hitch demolished their engine.
Hahaha! I remember my first ex-husband, and I had a little red pickup truck, when we lived in Gulfport, Mississippi. I kinda miss it sometimes.
Normal but pointless. If you learn to let it go you will be happier. So much easier said than done though haha
I hope megadriver doesn't see this or he will blither on for pages about his damned cars or some other bullcrap...
ANYways, personal problems can easily become car problems. For example, one of my friends recently got road rage and crashed her car in the process. The roads were slick and she got impatient, tried to pass, lost control.
Driving the hell out of your car just because your panties are in a bunch is just going to possibly cause problems.
Here is a cartoon about how motorists typically act -