Is it normal to have seizures when you arent epiletic

i have seizures even though i am not epiletic nor have any neurological illness it seems (2 years ago did MRI and have routine EEG every year as its required for my job) . most of the time it is random but there are some things which are very likely to trigger it (for example if i don't sleep well or loud noises startling me). i lose conciousness and fall to the ground then start to convulse . it scares the heck out of everyone and i've hit my head multiple times already (which makes me worried) but no one knows whats going on.

i am healthy otherwise, all my exams are good. is it normal that this happens

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10% Normal
Based on 10 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • CountessDouche

    Really? Is it normal to have seizures? Why is this even a question?

    Listen, I'm sorry you're experiencing what must be a very terrifying medical problem, but this is not the place to ask for medical advice. People here could tell you anything, and whilst they might shed some light on some obscure problem they found on google that you might have, like tapeworm eggs in your brain (dr house and shit), they are not medical professionals and anything they say is only going to scare the shit out of you.

    You need to seek a second opinion from a DOCTOR, not retards on the internet.

    I hope it's nothing serious. Good luck.

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    • yeah i know, the problem is, I have this condition sicne from a young age (about 5 years old). And i've seen several doctors and they dont know what it is. In fact they contradicted themselves (one said I did have epilepsy then the other 3 said I didnt and was healthy, and that the other doctor was nuts). Some speculated it was medicatoin i took (hormones) but after stopping medication it was the same. At this ppoint i just don't know what to think really and looking for some options. but Thanks I hope I can get this sovled soon

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      • CountessDouche

        That's terrible. : (

        I wish you good luck in figuring out your problem. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the right doctor, who's willing to dig a little and consider other diagnoses. It might be worth looking into medical forums online...I'm not sure how useful they are, but they may be better suited than this place.

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  • RainbowFlash

    Sounds like you have Psychogenic, non epileptic seizures.

    Your doctor should have told you this.

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    • my doctors didnt told me about this, i researched about it and seems possible. i will ask a nenw doctor, thanks!

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  • Insanitybxtch

    You should probably re-check yourself

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    • maybe, i will se a neurologist again and ask more tests. but i've done many and never found nothing (i have this since a young child)

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  • Short4Words

    So you've specifically checked for brain cancer?

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    • not specifically but i did the MRI which should rule it out i suppose. and blood exams are normal and not indicative of cancer

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