Is it normal to have semi-automatic guns?

Why in the world would a civilian need a semi-automatic gun in a society that is not in war time? What weak willed government allows this to occur?

That's 3 questions 6
I don't know 5
Because we like them 14
Other 5
Other 3
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Comments ( 16 )
  • anti-hero

    To defend yourself against the government.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Amen to that.
      To resist tyranny. We can use handguns just as well. They just say they want the semi autos first but their goal is to take them all. We're guaranteed that right until the tyrants do away with the second amendment or circumvent congress with an executive order.

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      • wigsplitz

        Um most handguns ARE semi-auto, chief. Anything made after 1800-something is going to be semi-auto.

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  • dappled

    I don't think it can be justified and people who say this type of weaponry is justified are just people who want to be allowed to own them (as opposed to having a moral argument).

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    • toofgod

      I believe it is amoral NOT to have the right to keep and bear arms. Imagine if some criminal kicked down your door(with or without a gun), wouldn't you like to have that moral authority to shoot back or defend yourself? Maybe you need to keep a knife under your pillow in case somebody kicks down your door, hell bent on shooting up you and your family.

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      • dappled

        What about the moral right to have nuclear weapons? Should every country be allowed them because just some countries have them (and have used them in war)? Should all countries be allowed to retaliate with these bombs?

        Why is a moral true of one specific weapon but not another?

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        • wigsplitz

          Our right as citizens to bear arms is to resist tyranny. If the strongest weapons we're "allowed" to have is semi-autos then we're still MILES behind the very thing we're supposed to be able to fight. Of course we should be allowed to have AT LEAST these weapons.

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        • Matt2222

          Apples and oranges. Guns (in the hands of sane normal people) save lives and money. Break-ins, robbery, ect. Can be prevented or ended quickly with guns. An even better reason then that the bad guys (person or government) will always be able to get guns, and having the ability to defend yourself (and use the second amendment) will be needed.

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          • dappled

            Trying to look at it dispassionately, I guess the difference in opinion is how much defence capability someone needs. I think a semi-automatic is more than is required.

            To ask an interesting question, would you support stronger gun laws if an equally effective (but non-lethal) protective device was readily available?

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            • Matt2222

              Also semi-automatic weapons fire once every time you bull the trigger. How is this to much, I could see full-auto being to much. But one bullet at a time?

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            • toofgod

              "dappled" did not use proper "sentencing" therefore should NOT be answered. Conclusion: "dappled" OWNED Matt2222.

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            • Matt2222

              Depends on the law. I have think they need full mental evaluation before they can get a gun. What would the equity effective but non-lethal substitute be (is it beanbag, knife, baseball bat, ect.)

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  • Avant-Garde

    That's what I've been wondering! The only people who should be allowed to have access to them is the specially trained professionals that these guns were made for. Of course, they should also get a back ground check before being allowed to use them. The teacher was apparently a "gun enthusiast" and if you ask me, Guns and mental illness don't always mix.

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    • Matt2222

      Most semi-automatic guns (except for handguns) are civilian versions. And so don't have trained professionals.

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  • Nokiot9

    Semi auto is what almost every firearm is built to. Anyway, u should be able to have ANY gun u want, as long as it's not a missile battery or destructive device. Goddamn, some shotguns are classed as destructive devices. It's bs. There are so many regulations on weapons that are needless. The 200$ tax tag that keeps me from buying an sbr is easily gotten round by a through arm stock, all these stupid laws and regs are easily circumvented. Our forefathers armed us with rights, and one of them is to be armed. Why? Because they just escaped a tyrannical government and were still fighting them. What's gonna happen if OUR govt decides to start rounding people up into camps or executing people who break curfew under martial law? Revolt! We are so armed to make sure our rights are upheld. I cArry my semi auto XD every where. I won't give anywhere my money that has a sign out front that bans the carry of firearms. Even if I'm not carrying at the time. That's as bad as putting a 'NO FAGS' sign on ur door. And homosexuality isn't protected by the constitution. It should be though lol

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  • q25t

    My grandpa actually has quite a few semi auto, as well as a few sniper rifles. He just enjoys firing them.

    Tell the truth. If you had the chance to go fire a tank right now, would you do it? It's the same principle.

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