Is it normal to have sex with an animal?

Ok so my last question was "is it normal to dream about having sex with animals?" and i told my boy friend about those dreams and he said he totally is going to get me a dog and so him and the dog can have sex with me...honestly i would do anything to please my boyfriend and his freaky desires. Im just nervous because i just dont really know what to do about this one..i guess ill have sex with a dog for him but idk if its normal to even do that in the first place :/ wat do i do?! Stick to being "normal" or go all out and be the freak i truly am and the freak my bf wants me to be?

Voting Results
51% Normal
Based on 67 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 93 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    You and your boyfriend really need to evaluate your relationship if you're bringing a dog into your sex life.

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    • Maid_in_Pink

      Says who? Enjoying sexual activities and being adventurous together is nothing to be afraid of or shy away from. Yeah, maybe this isn't the "best" way to go about spicing up their romantic life, but who are you to suggest that their relationship has some inherant issue because they both want to try the SAME offbeat sexual activity. If anything it may make them even MORE likely to have a long lasting relationship if they are both into this sort of thing as opposed to you, shoving your nose into their business telling them immediately that there is something wrong about exploring new things TOGETHER and putting seeds of doubt inside their relationship. This is why teen suicide is so high, people like you and half the other garbage on this website immediately saying there is something wrong with them or their relationship. If you don't think it's normal give a vote and give an opinion that doesn't ostracize them into hating themselves, look at the OPs wording, "the freak I truly am" You can inadvertently destroy their relationship or their self esteem and confidence, in some cases push them into deep non-fuctional depression and encase their whole future in a web of failed relationships and self hatred with a few poorly placed words on here. I am not saying you should pat everyone on the back and keep your opinions to yourself, but you should be a bit more constructive and choose your words a bit more carefully than just spewing about callous open ended questioning statements like you did. the OP, Bringing a... "partner" into a poor relationship will do nothing but cause stress and not all relationships can handle that kind of addition. If your relationship is healthy and moving in the right directions then I'd say explore and enjoy the adventure your relationship has to offer. But do keep in mind the privacy and discretion needed for participation in such things. It's important to take small steps aswell, and make steps together if you do plan on proceeding with it, the same as any threesome. Your boyfriend seeing you doing another sexual act with a person or animal either one can create stress in a relationship, this can do it even more so in this situation as the added Taboo factor is put into play.

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      • BigScaryRooster

        How's that trollbait taste, Maid_in_pink? Butthurt and tears?

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  • I did not have sex with my dog

    No. I definitely have never done that.

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  • That is animal cruelty and it is sick :/ please don't do it

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    • IrishPotato

      Some animals actually enjoy it, so no cruelty involved whatsoever. Dogs, for example.

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  • Crazybeast

    I think if Couples want to Spice up there Sex life with a male or female dog, I say GO FOR IT and enjoy it all the way .

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  • Maid_in_Pink

    After having read the comments before I do have a few things to note. One of which being that while it is "illegal" in many cases the reasons for it's questioned legality remain in limbo. If you've ever seen a dog going to town you can tell he's pretty happy with what's going on, and so many of the laws around the contested statements of determining if the animal consented or not are full of condradictory wordings. They will site that an animal is incapable of understanding it's actions but then contest that an animal has a right to be free of abuse due to it's intelligent nature. Dogs, regardless of their training understand the notion of pain and discomfort, that's why shock collars work, no amount of training would drive an animal to ignore it's base insticts of survival to escape from pain, that drives us to an unfortunate logical conclusion that an animal can make a very base decision of yes or no based on the willingness to participate, is this a clear decision..not really but it is a willingness to participate.

    One of the things about children and sexual conduct is that they do not initiate it, the adult does, a child doesn't understand what to do and is either forced or taught to do so by an adult. A Dog on the other hand can willingly mount a human or other animal species because they have come of age to understand that breeding and sex is a normal occurance. This is also why in the "olden times" many young girls were married off at young ages like 13 and 14 years old. They were old enough to understand what was going on and what was going to happen and they were FORCED to do such things by their fathers/families/husbands. Generally no one forces a dog to mount a human, they kinda get given a hint and a guiding hand and the dog decides if it wants to go for it or not. This is where you need to realize even a person in todays day an age providing their animal of choice with an option to engage in sexual relations with a human is still treating their pet BETTER than men were treating their daughters 100 years ago, atleast these people are giving their pets a choice, no one asked the 14 year old being married off to the wealthy man if she wanted to do it, she just HAD to.

    Next I would like to say this. There is such a thing as Animal RAPE- Yes it's there, much as with any other form of rape known to man. It happens, is it the majority of occurances? I don't know, I can tell you this there are plenty of people that engage in sex with animals and do NOT condone animal rape. If you truely care for your pet and aren't just using it for sex(raping it) then you can tell when your pet is willing and not.

    Do I think it's Normal? I don't know...I think it's normal to want to expand your horizons to unexplored reaches, but..Sure Animals I'll give a normal, is it up my alley..I don't think so.

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  • EnglishGirlEmma

    Do some research first, join an animal sex forum and ask people's advice. Done wrong it can be disastrous, done right and it can be incredible!

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  • Gelmurag

    There was a young lady on this site a good while ago that asked about making love with one of her dogs. From personal stories, psychology classes, and reading, I can honestly tell you its more common than people let on. This issue isn't about legal matters either, because what happens behind your closed doors, is not the business of others. This matter is about choice.

    Regardless of of the people for it, and against it, what it really boils down to, and after skimming the crap off, is you. What do YOU want? Are you doing this because you love your boyfriend and want to make him happy, or are you doing this because you want to know what its like to be with a dog? Don't force yourself to do something you do not want to do, that applies to having sex with animals, to seeing movies, to eating dinner, to all aspects of life. If a guy (or girl for that matter) is into you, they will never force you to do anything you don't want to do. That is a general rule for all relationships. No means now, not later.

    Now, if it is merely the shape/size/feeling of a dog, there are many places out there in cyberspace where you can help with your fantasy. The real thing would obviously have heat and semen, but a fake toy might satiate the urge. I have a wonderful website i can give you if you want.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Absolutely not!
    Don't do it!

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  • JellyLove

    Um awks.... It's illegal to do that anyway

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    • TerryVie

      actually, not, in many countries. check the posts above yours.

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  • Allistalla

    I will say this now . THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW .

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    • IrishPotato

      Incorrect. It's allowed in most countries, and I say, if the animal is enjoying it, then why is it a problem?

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      • Allistalla

        I think becuase it is technicly rape becuase they can not tell you if they want it or not . Also prolonged sex with the animal messes them up pychologicly and makes them start raping any person that walked by so they have to kill the animal at that piont becuase they are cosidered dangerous . A old lady had trianed her pitbulls to have sex with her it was 3 dogs and they would have sex with her all the time she had trianed this behavior since they were puppys . They will not have sex with other dogs only humans so they made the piont those animals are dangerous and can go out raping poeple so they killed the 3 dogs and arrested the lady she was in her 90s and had the dogs a very long time . She was in a country where it is against the law to have sex with animals . So that is why .

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        • Maid_in_Pink

          This whole thing is just littered with runaround Rhetoric, You can't tell if a dog wants it or not, but then you say they run around raping people...So obviously they want it. A person and an Animal both engage in rape for numerous reasons, in this sited case you suggest that a dog will rape people simply because it has been taught to have sex with people, but that is not the case, same as a human rapist will not just rape people because they have been taught to have sex. They are both seeking gratification from the act they are performing. An Animal, such as a dog, thinks on very base levels, Eat, Sleep, Procreate, when a human introduces to the animal something else that it can readily expect, either a nightly walk, or a nice long breeding session in the evening, the dog understand this as an activity it enjoys and wants to repeat given the opportunity. A Rapist follows many of the same ideas except it FORCES itself upon another human, a Dog would do this thinking the Human wants to engage in similar behavior as their master. Most notable cases of these are during house sitting events, or parties when an individual takes a position that the dog sees as being Invitational, though it's unintended the dog notes this and goes...Hey I want some of that! not intentionally Forcing a human to engage in activity. Now, there is "pattern behavior" in animals too, so yes a dog might seemingly "rape" a person during a particular time of the day if that is the normal time they engage in sex with a person, they are expecting it as they would a meal. It's like the song about the hound dog that gets taken for a walk everynight to go meet up with a female dog and have sex so when the man tries to escape from prison the dog goes to find the female dog instead of chasing the convict.

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          • Allistalla

            I did not say that . I did not make the ruling I would have let the dogs leave and simply arrested the lady for breaking the law . Animal control siad it was a danger and had to dispose of the dogs . I wouldve left the dogs be I fealt pitty for those poor animals .Also animals learn what they are tuaght . They follow the tricks becuase they are tuaght they are tuaght to have sex for a treat and they will do it . you can apply this concept to children but that is a bit more complicated in the case .

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        • IrishPotato

          You actually have a point there.
          But I'm talking about the dogs who DO enjoy it, and weren't taught from the beginning.
          It's not that I'm talking from first hand experience, because I've never done such a thing.
          But I do know that they do in fact, enjoy it.

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    • TerryVie

      actually, in quite many countries it's not, unless you PAY for it.
      which, as i read it, was never the intent here.

      also, while it's definitely not something i'd be interested in, i don't see how people can claim it to be animal cruelty- If the dog gets horny, he'll hump stuff. No place for human morals there. He won't care who is there or watches him do the deed.

      As said, not my thing, but if you are both into it, go get freaky. You can train him, but you can't force him, anyway.

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      • flutterhigh

        This is dangerous logic. If a thirteen year old girl is curious and wants to commit a sexual act with me, I should let her because she wants to and thus it isn't immoral?

        Besides all the "ew gross" comments, the real reason things like bestiality are illegal and immoral is cognitive capacity. Neither an animal nor a child has the proper cognitive capacity to fully understand their actions - therein lies an inherent power imbalance that is impossible to resolve. I believe that employing such an imbalance for personal benefit is morally wrong.

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        • TerryVie

          Ah, but this same dangerous logic applies to many a thing.

          Animals lack cognitive capacity.
          Thats why we lock up cows in cages, artificially inseminate them, slaughter their babies for veal meat, and then use the milk for cheese and coffee creamer, before eventually slaughtering them as well once they give less and less milk.

          a whole _LOT_ of things we do to animals would DEFINITELY be far from acceptable to do with humans. I just don't think it's very reasonable(and, in my eyes, dangerous) to only apply human-equivalent morals and views in regards to sexuality.

          As you say, they lack cognitive capacity, they will usually not be traumatized or experience permanent mental damage...not more than many animals do in their regular farm live. Comparing them with humans in only ONE aspect seems a

          Take note that i'm personally not interested in bestiality, but i wholly understand why the LAW in many places does not forbid sexuality itself, but rather only looks at extreme cases under animal cruelty laws...comparing to other stuff done to animals on a daily basis, sexual intercourse with humans would be one of the lower-priority-things to care about...

          and no, i'm not an animal rights activist, just trying to get the priorities right here, both in volume and extent of what is "done" to animals.

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          • flutterhigh

            I know you're not interested in it, I see nothing wrong with trying to defend an unpopular opinion. I've tried to argue for incest before, and I'm not interested in that either.

            I don't quite understand your argument. Are you suggesting that treating them similarly in regards to sexual law means we should treat them similarly in every single other aspect as well? That makes no sense to me, but perhaps I've misunderstood.

            Are you instead arguing that if bestiality is immoral due to lack of consent, then slaughter should also be immoral for that reason? That doesn't make sense to me either - there are plenty of things that children may not "consent" to, like going to the dentist or something, but we will force them to because we know better. I think you're generalizing.

            As cognitive superiors to both animals and children, we have a responsibility to take care of them. The difference in slaughter is a whole other can of worms - people have to eat. They should do it as humanely as possible, but the simple fact is that feeding on prey is necessary for survival.

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            • TerryVie

              Hm, i'm trying to argue on the basis of how we treat them.

              Animals, even if we eat them for prey, should, as conscient creatures, have a "free natural life", with being able to act out behaiviours natural for their species.

              In opposite, many of our main "food items/procudes", namely chickens, pigs, and cows, are often "held" in very unnatural, crowded areas, some never even see sunlight, and their whole life is based on producing as much in as little time as possible(including restraining movement e.g. for pigs, to make them gain weight faster, or caged batteries for chickens so cleaning is easier). We are even selectively BREEDING them to maximize gain.

              Now what i'm trying to say is that while we may "disagree" with how they are treated, we all tolerate that, because a change would mean either a lot less animal produce and/or a significantly higher price.

              So we accept that almost all "used" animals are used in unnatural, unconvenient ways because we personally stand to gain from it.

              Basically i'm saying that we "abuse" our power, and our cognitive superiority, to mistreat animals for our own good, all the time.

              Now if someone has intercourse with their dog, or a sheep, or anything else with more legs than 2(or two legs and wings, or fins, get the picture), i don't really understand why _THIS_ abuse of power is so incredibly wrong it causes outcries, while the other is silently tolerated.

              As mentioned, unless the animal is mistreated in general, i doubt sexual experiences with humans would "traumatize" them in the least. They will simply not care about what happened, or not even remember.

              So even if an animal owner "abuses" his mental superiority to have sexual relations with that animal, but otherwise treats it great, I'd find him a whole lot more agreeable than someone that mistreats his animal but has no sexual relation with it.

              We kill animals for food, for fur, we keep them in cages for our amusement, for centuries we used them to plow fields or as transport(also during war)...basically, we did or do as we please with them, abusing the fact they are our cognitive inferiors.

              Saying "everything else is fine, but once it gets sexual you have gone wrong" just doesn't ring right to me. Why should sexuality be the big taboo here? I can mass slaughter small furry animals to make a expensive coat but someone else should go to jail(according to some people in this threat) for raping their dog when they had sex with him?

              So basically i'm stating that if people want to take the moral high ground and say "there's the line, and it can't be crossed" then they will have to explain WHY that line goes exactly there, why so much else is this side of the line and acceptable and exactly this thing would have to be on the other side.

              And from that perspective, i understand that the LAW in many countries allows sexual interaction with animals, as long as they are treated right(otherwise animal cruelty would kick in, anyway).

              sorry for the long post, but i wanted to make my point clear, unlike angel you actually seem interested in an proper exchange :)

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        I only know of one country where it wasn't illegal. Key point is "wasn't" cos they already changed the laws and outlawed it.

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        • TerryVie

          here's a list:

          it's legal in quite a number of nations, still. Note that it's often covered under other things. E.g. Sex with an animal MAY be legal, but mistreatment or "whoring out" of a animal is not.
          So the shepherd can indulge his desires on his herd, but if he "pimps" his sheep to wanderers, he's a criminal.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            often covered under other things. Like rape perhaps?

            Cos establishing consent can be a bitch right?

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            • TerryVie

              haha, na, not rape, but as mentioned, animal cruelty laws. But in those cases, it's a "case by case" decision of WHAT exactly happened.

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          • Allistalla

            WEll I do not know where you live but any sex with animals is illegle .

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            • TerryVie

              did you even check that link? In, i dare say, more than half the countries it's legal.

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      • Allistalla

        I think becuase it is technicly rape becuase they can not tell you if they want it or not . Also prolonged sex with the animal messes them up pychologicly and makes them start raping any person that walked by so they have to kill the animal at that piont becuase they are cosidered dangerous . A old lady had trianed her pitbulls to have sex with her it was 3 dogs and they would have sex with her all the time she had trianed this behavior since they were puppys . They will not have sex with other dogs only humans so they made the piont those animals are dangerous and can go out raping poeple so they killed the 3 dogs and arrested the lady she was in her 90s and had the dogs a very long time . She was in a country where it is against the law to have sex with animals . So that is why .

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  • chp316

    Okay, just because you have a sex drive does not make it okay to screw a dog! Doing that to an Animal would be just like molesting a small child, they are innocent in much the same way as kids.

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    • IrishPotato

      Those things are not compareable.
      Animals actually enjoy these things.
      I don't speak from experience, but I do know they enjoy it.

      If you see a dog fucking a lady like a beast, you really think it's rape? or mollestation? NO!

      You sir, are ignorant and should do your research before you start judging.

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      • chp316

        You should have been born a dog.....What's the matter anyway, can't get a human to love and want you? you are a sorry excuse for a human being. TRASH!!

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        • IrishPotato

          I'm trash for defending something?
          And the "can't get a human to love you" part, is just silly.
          I've had relationships, long, lasting relationships. Therefore that statement is false.
          Plus that made no sense, since I don't perform beastiality myself.
          I'm merely defending it.

          It's like, defending gay rights, even though I"m not gay. I'm defending something that doesn't neccesarily apply to me.

          And for your information, if anyone here is a sorry excuse for a human being, that would be you, you judgemental, ignorant, child. Comparing dogs to children, hmpf.

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          • chp316

            Yes i do think you are Trash for defending something that is so sick! Really shows your True colors as to who you are as a human being. Oh yeah, right, you are just defending something.....Why in the Hell would any decent person defend these actions, unless of course you are doing this disgusting thing yourself?! this makes zero sense. For your information, i was not saying that Animals and Children are the same, i said that they are INNOCENT just the same as Children. I guess that it is safe to assume that as long as there are persons out there violating Animals in this way, that NO Child is safe! PS. if you don't want others to Judge you, then get OFF the site!

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            • IrishPotato

              Judging and insulting are two different things.

              Anyway, it makes no sense for you because you are a simpleton, merely defending your own actions and not others.

              Innocent, you say? I find a dog humping a woman's vagina vigorously far from innocent.

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  • dirtybirdy

    What the fuck is with people?!?!?!

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  • jondoerandom

    Dafuq is wrong with you? it's not animal cruelty, since big dogs need to be jerked off anyway if they're not fixed. So ignore the comment above.

    But I do agree on the second part -it's sick.

    there are few things that would be a complete deal breaker for me, but if i meet a girl and she had fucked a dog or did a gang/group sex, I personally will never talk to her again.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Wow, really? So you're totally opposed to the idea that three or four people (whatever the fuck the number may be) can share a mutual attraction toward one another and an openmindedness to share their bodies?

      I don't see what's wrong with that at all.

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      • jondoerandom

        As I mentioned "for me" and "personally", it should give an indication that it's a subjective point of view. I'm not opposed to it, per se. people not related to me in any way can do whatever they want. But not as my potential partner.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Ah, from the way you explained it up there I thought you meant that you wouldn't associate with anyone who had done so. Thanks for clarifying. :)

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    • IrishPotato

      Close minded much?
      If they enjoy life that way, how is that your problem?
      Seriously. That girl didn't commit murder, mollested a stray kitten, raped a child, so how is enjoying life, whatever that may be, a reason never to talk to someone again?

      Being judgemental over nothing, hmpf. You sir, has given me yet another reason to be dissapointed in humanity.

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      • jondoerandom

        read my reply to shade_ilmaendu. Don't feel like copy/pasting.

        If you would enjoy dating a girl and at some point discovering that she bangs her own dog.. phew.. you go ahead, man

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        • IrishPotato

          It's not that I'd enjoy it, I just wouldn't care :o

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          • jondoerandom

            Jesus, man...alright -it's your life, got nothing else to tell you. :P

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            • IrishPotato

              Unless it'd be one of my cats...then well, it'd be disturbing. But whatever she's done in her past is her business o-o

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