Is it normal to have sexual wallpapers on your phone/pc?

I have a pornagraphic wallpaper on my phone, is it normal to do this?

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 74 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Bragga

    I'd like to but frankly people would see. You're not concerned that the people around you would see it?

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  • RUCKUS42

    When I was 13 and got my first computer (windows XP), I downloaded a free screen saver stripper.

    When my mom found out, she made me go to confession..

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  • k2n

    If I really had to I could put one in a secret place where no one can get to (as far as PC goes). For phones, not so much - since as even a picture I download for the artwork and not intended to be used as a wallpaper somehow miraculously ends up as the album cover of the track I'm listening to, and it's not even the correct one (Yes, I'm talking to you UAPP).

    Anyways... I don't do that stuff anymore since said concerns raised by Bragga became a concern for me out on the street or in my local computer/professional AV gear store.

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  • gay

    i really love this

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  • Steve2!

    I have a city skyline wallpaper on my phone. Whatever floats your basement.

    But for the record, that's kind of pathetic.

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