Is it normal to have so little contact with girls?

I'm in my late teens now, and have never really had any contact with members of the opposite sex. The longest I have talked to a girl for is about five minutes, and that was just because she happened to be my partner for a school project. Not long ago, a stranger at a meeting came up to me and tried to make small talk, but I found it impossible to maintain eye contact for more than a split second, and felt myself getting hotter and hotter until I was sure my face was red all over. The girl must have assumed I was not interested, and probably went on to discuss the weather with someone else. I am already shy around male strangers, but having to talk to a female of my age made me nervous beyond all reason.
My self-esteem is extremely low, and I am afraid to approach girls since rejection would further wound my ego. I also realized quite recently that I have high-functioning autism of some kind, and though this has helped me learn a great deal about myself, it has also broadened the line separating me from my peers.
Is it normal to be this awkward, and are there any ways to overcome my phobia of the opposite sex?

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68% Normal
Based on 37 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • (s)aint

    First of all: If it makes you uncomfortable to establish an eye-contact (Fuck it makes me feel uncomfortable) Look at the person's forehead or their neck they wont be able to notice. ( I have asked)

    Second: I think you have to start gently with yourself. Maybe start talking to girls on-line and find out that we are not as dangerous as we sometimes seem. Then when you feel ready come up with an excuse to contact a girl. go into that shop with the female expedite and ask a question. She gets paid to be friendly!

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    • Mister_Nobody

      Thanks for the advice. I will try what you suggested with a shop assistant. Talking to girls online (like now for instance) has never bothered me, since it feels so anonymous and risk free. It's the physical side that is the real limit.

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      • (s)aint

        Honestly, I have never dated a guy that I have not met on-line. As long as you stay safe, sane and smart with your chatting I highly recommend that. Chat someone up who lives pretty close to you, videochat as soon as you feel as if you might get feelings for her to see that she's real and all. Then meet up at a public place.

        If you are shy, sure you could try to work with that but I also feel as if it should be fine to be that shy. I have issues talking to men that I find attractive too. Women has never been an issue though.

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