Is it normal to have so many fears?

I have many fears of things and they haven't gone away. I was just wondering is it normal to be scared of so many things? I pretty much have reasons behind all my phobias but they get annoying at times. For example, I can only use plastic spoons, when I hear glass or glass things clank together I feel like I am about to cry, I cannot sit behind the passenger seat in a car, I freak out when someone touches my wrist (last week my dad touched my wrist and I started crying in the middle of a busy restaurant), and before I go to bed I have to lock my house doors and check to make sure they are locked two times at the least. I always have to make sure I read/looked at something correctly, which causes things to take long and I feel nervous when I don't check something at least twice. So is it okay to have so many fears? I obviously have the basic fears with things like height and spiders but my other fears are starting to get in the way.

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36% Normal
Based on 66 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Jeaneathean

    I would take meds as a last resort.

    Consider cognitive behavioural therapy. Your doctor will be able to advise further,and refer.

    I wish you well.

    Let us know how you get on.

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  • ginatripodi

    this is really far from normal. It sounds like you're obsessive-compulsive with a LOT of accompanying anxiety. There are excellent medications for all that; they can give you relief almost immediately and help make life more compfortable for you. See a psychiatrist or medical doctor for a prescription.

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  • Mando

    See a therapist so you don't have to live like that.

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  • imnotoverryan

    Its OCD. Meds are available and will help so much!

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