Is it normal to have such a dream?
Well I had a very bad nightmare that my small nephew about 1-2 year old died. And we attended a funeral that looks like a wedding. My sister recently did a wedding, and she had a miscarriage last year in october, no other babies but there's a possibility of pregnancy now. So back to the dream.. So the thing about dead nephew, I don't have him yet the one in the dream, I couldn't even see his face, My younger brother who currently lives with them, was holding the dead baby but I couldn't see his face at all. Even when I tried to look at pictures displayed for the funeral I couldn't, too many people . So in the dream there are so many people attending the funeral, My sister attends the funeral with her wedding gown (wedding was just 3 weeks ago not long) but with her head half clean shaved. Many People trying to console her And I feel helpless I start crying looking how sad she is .. And that's the part I wake up feeling sad /Still crying esp when I recall all the events how they occur.. Very sad.. What do such dreams Mean?