Is it normal to have such a weird phobia?

first off, i'm a teenage girl. I have probably the weirdest fear that nobody can figure out why... I'm so afraid of Pregnant Women that it makes me either almost cry or almost gag/throw up. Its not cause i watched those freak movies where a pregnant ladys child is a demon and jumps out of her stomach or something.. i just HATE pregnant women /: What happens when i get older and my girl friends start to have families and end up pregnant?

I hope i dont have this fear forever..

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

    You are not alone. The phobia is called Tokophobia, Tocophobia or Parturiphobia, so please don't think of your phobia as weird.

    As a teenager, you may find when you get a bit older, that this phobia will fade or dissappear altogether when your "baby clock" kicks in.

    For the meantime there are people you can talk to (eg. Counsellors etc etc) to discuss your fears and potentially help you over come them. Best of luck.

    Yours truly,

    Doktor Hildred Von Steinmann

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    • yesnomaybeso

      Oh i never knew of this.

      i have a question, writter of the question, do you wanna have kids?

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      • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

        Perhaps, one day, when I meet the right Frau. But for the time being I have my minions. My loyal, loyal minions.

        Yours truly,

        Doktor Hildred Von Steinmann

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        • yesnomaybeso

          Oh sorry I was talking to the anonymous who wrote that IIN post. but okay, haha.

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          • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

            Well, this is slightly embarrassing. As one of my minions would say "Awkward"

            It doesn't bother me. I gladly answer any question directed or not directed my way. Baha!

            Yours truly,

            Doktor Hildred Von Steinmann.

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