Is it normal to have suicidal thoughts but not be suicidal

I don't think im going to kill myself in a sense. But am i unconsciously deciding the way i am going to kill myself. Like i wonder if the next time i piss drunk i will commit. i have no friends currently in IRL and its been like that for approx 2 years.

(This is the only place i could ask, im scared and hate when my loved ones worry about me.) ALSO SORRY BOUT GRAMMER AND THE WAY I STARTED EACH SENTENCE AHHHHHHHH.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • IDKWTD2170

    this is normal for me at least, i've been in the same boat ever since middle school.

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  • mariapetal

    No it's not normal :( those thoughts can be really damaging especially if it's happening consistently

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  • DIO

    It's not unconsciouly. Or you wouldn't know it.
    Well, as long as you don't do it, it should be ok.
    I don't know if you're good at this but drawing or doing music may help you.

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  • litelander8

    Always. Walking into traffic. Or driving off the road...

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    • Im not really talking thoughts like that more like detained versions like plan your whole death in a day dream.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    You clearly need help bro.

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  • RoseIsabella

    No, I don't know it's normal to fantasize about killing yourself. I think you should get some help.

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  • ellnell

    Yes. I've had that a lot tbh but i'd never actually go ahead and kill myself

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  • Just wanted to add that i have tried therapy and stuff like that numerous times and always has the negative effect. and i think way to much of a public suicide like walking infront of everyone in lunch and blowing my brains out

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  • controversy

    Try an antidepressant, plus a mood stabilizer, plus benzos.

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    • libertybell

      Mood stabilizers don't work.

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      • controversy

        They do work, antipsychotics are some of the most effective meds ever created. Other traditional mood stabilizers like lithium, tegretol, depakote also work but sometimes the effect is hard to notice(they even your moods out).

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        • libertybell

          I took mood stabilizers for years, and I was still
          screaming and crying and hitting myself. Those "stabilizers" didn't stabilize anything.

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  • Shyflasher

    I can relate. Maybe just as a daydream or if life sux

    i might imagine how id do myself in.

    but the most important thung to think of at that moment is

    Suicide is a permanant solution for a temporary problem

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