Is it normal to have the "responsibility" to steal?

I believe I have the responsibility of stealing (and taking). I have what I see as great reasons to steal/take from anyone or anyplace. If I do not steal I feel ripped off.

I only steal what I want, use or otherwise benefit from. I do not NEED to steal these things as I could afford them but I refuse to pay for them for many reasons (my so-called "responsibilities" to steal).

I also enjoy other aspects of the thefts such as imagining the reaction of the victim when the theft is discovered, thinking about the financial loss I caused and enjoying my success in general. I get more enjoyment out of the stolen items than I do a purchased item.

I generally don't get anything out of the actual act of stealing, that part is either neutral or sometimes can be stressful.

-I am NOT a kleptomaniac! They steal things that are worthless to them and do not have conscious reasoning to steal like I do.

-There's no need to chastise me. I'm not an idiot. I know stealing is frowned upon and I know there is a victim who suffers a loss. In my mind this is not wrong though, not only is it not wrong but it's soooo RIGHT.

I don't get uncontrollable impulses to steal "right now". I have the constant need to "take" but I am not rash about my actions.

Is anyone else like me?

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 45 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 75 )
  • RoseIsabella

    How would you feel if some stole something valuable from you?

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    • Funny enough, I don't usually get upset about it if someone takes something from me. It hasn't happened many times at all in my life but when it has happened I've dealt with it quite well.

      It's usually one of 3 things:

      -My fault for being careless or too risky

      -It's OK because that person needed it more than I did


      -I get even (I don't necessarily mean revenge, I mean I make myself whole, usually legally) I don't get upset usually, I look at the situation and figure out how to rectify it. For instance if someone stole my car, I wouldn't be mad, I'd go file a claim with my insurance and it's not a big deal.

      Although I steal, I don't really value material things much at all. This makes perfect sense if you can come to understand it.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I don't care to understand it! Perhaps you should try to understand the feelings of people who suffer loss after being stolen from. I'm pretty sure, however, that you're probably incapable of empathy or sympathy. And what about material objects that people have deep sentimental attachment to such as a grandmother's wedding ring, a father's gold watch?

        Just understand that if you're caught and you end up in jail or your intended victim catches you and inflicts grave physical harm(most likely damage to one or both of your hands) on you that you will have brought those consequences upon yourself through your thievery. You're needs and wants are no more important than the needs and wants of the rest of humanity. Most people tend to want justice of some sort. Maybe you "feel" ripped off if you don't steal. But those feelings are just feelings; just because a person feels something doesn't make it true. The ones who are being ripped off are the victims of theft. I don't think you can help the way you are which is why I sincerely hope you get help for your sociopathy before it's too late. I'm quite certain you won't heed my words but hopefully someday, perhaps as a condition of parole or by some court sanctioned means you will get the help you need, the help society needs you to get in order to be a productive member of said society.

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        • What is your point? Do you think I don't know that I'm victimizing people? Do you think I don't know that there is potential consequences? I know exactly what I'm doing. Do you think you can shame me? HA!

          Why would I get help? How would that benefit me? I see nothing wrong with my life. I like being how I am and I surely wouldn't want to be like most people. I will never be a "productive member of society", I'd rather do other things.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Then when your day of reckoning comes may it be long, slow and painful!

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            • What is wrong with you?

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  • Abend_zersetzen_mich

    Fuck you. One day, you're going to steal from the wrong person.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Jawohl, Ich liebe dich!

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      • Abend_zersetzen_mich

        Danke! Ich liebe dich auch.

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  • RoseIsabella

    So you could very well have anti-social personality disorder.

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  • dom180

    You claim that you have some sort of reasoning to rationalise stealing but you don't. Don't kid yourself that you do. Your only reason is "it makes me happy". As much as you like to think that makes you different to other thieves, it doesn't. You're exactly the same. So in other words: yes, I'm sure there are loads of people like you. Not that that is any rationalisation either.

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    • I know I'm no different from any other thief in the end (besides kleptomaniacs). I put in that bit about kleptomaniacs because I figured at least a few people would suggest that may be my problem but I know I don't suffer from kleptomania.

      I'm perfectly aware that very few people would agree with my rationalizations. That doesn't diminish them in my mind though. They are very real to me, and the need to take (for principle, not financial need) is persistent.

      I didn't start stealing and then make up these rules to somehow settle my conscience like many do (I don't think I even have a conscience, honestly). I made up the rules first and then set out on my mission.

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    What kind of things do you feel entitled to steal?

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    • It's usually not "things" but a dollar figure and/or the statement behind the "things" I steal that is important.

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  • GodHatesNiggersAndFaggots

    They may not know who is stealing, but God knows, and God will judge you.

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    • God? Heh.

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  • _Molotov_Cocktail_

    I have the responsability to throw Molotov cocktails.

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  • davesumba

    Good for you, glad you found your place in the world.

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  • Fabulous

    Mmm uh huh hush that fuss. Everyone move to the back of the bus

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • DubstepismyMJ

    Interesting. I guess some of us just have a darkpleasure we cant help, even though we know its bad. But you choose to embrace yours, a gutsy move. I wonder if this so called "great reasoning" worth ruining your life over. Or have you stoled so much already that that youve partial eluded yourself your uncatchable. Must be pretty exciting for you? Sure. For now.

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    • I don't believe in good and bad. My reasoning leans towards political/social. Is it worth it? YES.

      I am not here to brag about my specific achievements. It's not something I talk about to anyone, nor do I need exterior acknowledgement for. I know the basic $ figure I have stolen. That is enough for me. No, I am not so arrogant that I think I am un-catchable however in MOST cases I am untouchable by law which is all that counts in the end.

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  • I would criticize you, but I would find myself a hypocrite.

    I have stolen, broken in to places worth a million, and so on. Not because I want to see their reaction, I typically don't care about it. Hell, I don't care about the items themselves, I just do it because I want to know if I can.

    I have done more than stealing to consider stealing a problem. I don't feel the need to explain myself, reason, or justify it like you do, though. My utter indifference towards it is quite prominent.

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    • _Molotov_Cocktail_

      I would critcize you, but I am a little short on time. These Molotov cocktails aren't going to throw themselves.

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    • I'm not justifying it, it's part of my mission. I have certain personal beliefs, principles and goals (a sort of manifesto, if you will) and I take it very seriously. This is just one small part of the puzzle. But I'm not going to go in depth about the whole deal, right now anyway.

      You and I have very different motives, indeed!

      I'm indifferent about the emotional pain I cause as well but I do have interest in my effect.

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      • You're justifying it to your own moral boundaries, which means you are still trying to justify it.

        No need to go in to depth about it.

        I am not sure if you are indifferent towards it, as you said, you like how they react, where as a person indifferent towards it generally would not care.

        Who knows.

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        • What moral boundaries?

          If you mean justification as in "making it right", then you're wrong. I don't think it's wrong so there's no need to make it right. I'm also not trying to prove to others that they should see it as right. I'm not "selling" my ideas to anyone. I haven't even stated my ideas or goals.

          If by justify you mean simply "give reason for" then, yes, I guess you could say that but "justification" is a rather strong word. There's a reason people do everything they do. You justify what you do in that sense of the word because you said you do it just to prove you CAN do it. For me, I do it because it's part of my larger goal. It's no different from a motivation to clean the bathroom. My justification for cleaning the toilet is "because it's dirty and it's one step in cleaning the bathroom". Same thing here. It just has to be done, it's a step in attaining the goal.

          I'm indifferent towards the emotional stress I cause on a personal level (I don't care about the individual or his feelings) but since this is part of a larger goal naturally I have a vested interest in my effect (so I enjoy that I HAVE hurt them). Like when you pull a prank - You set it up, you know someone is going to get victimized but you're not concerned with sparing his feelings, you wait, you watch, they fall for it, then you enjoy the fruit of your labor, you enjoy seeing his reaction that YOU caused with YOUR work. It's the proof of your success. It doesn't mean you care about the person, it means you care about your "work".

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          • Going to be honest, and no offense intended, but I stopped reading at the first paragraph. I'm just too ill to put enough effort in to reading and responding to this, as I can't say I care enough about putting the effort in as much as I can see it going to need if it progresses any further

            It's not a new subject for me to be involved in, as I have myself been involved and talked to people with very same views on the subject as yourself, so I don't exactly feel the motivation to engage in the topic again.

            Unfortunately, my curiosity has gotten the best of me, and I have seen little nips of your response, and again, no offense intended, but I think it is filled with too many contradictions. Such as, "If you mean justification by making it right, you are wrong" and "Give a reason to justify it, then yes". That mixed with what I said and how you are justifying it by your own idea of justification, it just seems too contradicting.
            Same goes for the "I am indifferent towards their feelings", but you enjoy the conclusion that makes them show emotion, be it good or bad.

            I think you are trying to portray yourself in a manner that isn't actually who you are, or at least not 100%. That's just my two cents. It happens on the site often.

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            • I think your confusion would be cleared up if you fully read and understand my post. Your questions about it are already answered. There's no contradictions.

              I will try to simplify the main points even more for you.

              Justify definition:

              1. To demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid
              2. To declare free of blame; absolve.
              3. To free (a human) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used of God.
              4. Law
              a. To demonstrate sufficient legal reason for (an action taken).
              b. To prove to be qualified as a bondsman.
              5. Printing To adjust the spacing within (lines in a document, for example), so that the lines end evenly at a straight margin.

              The typical use of the word "justify" is to prove something to be "right" or "just".

              "If you mean justification as in "making it right", then you're wrong."

              There's nothing complex about this. I don't think in terms of right and wrong so I'd never even venture into that territory of trying to make what I do "right". Nothing is right or wrong, it just "IS". If I don't think it's wrong, then why would I try to make it be right? I wouldn't, and I'm not.

              If you use the term "justify" to mean validate or lend reasoning behind then I guess that could be construed as acceptable however as I said above "justify" seems a strong word for that and I don't like the ambiguity. I'm also not trying AT ALL to demonstrate my reasoning (I haven't even stated my reasoning OR goal) to anyone else so this fact makes justify even less of a proper word here.

              *Basically, I think justify is the wrong word.

              "Same goes for the "I am indifferent towards their feelings", but you enjoy the conclusion that makes them show emotion, be it good or bad."

              *I don't care ABOUT them personally but I care that my work has had effect. Who doesn't want to know that their work is paying off? The emotion shows the effect, it proves success and lends to the ultimate goal. It's a "paycheck". I really don't know how to simplify this any more. I put a very good analogy in the previous post to explain this. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.

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  • mims


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  • LittleMissy

    How interesting. I used to get a buzz out of stealing when I was a teenager but I never stole from another person, it was always things that I couldn't afford such as make up and perfume. The part that was thrilling was the gaining of an item that I didn't have before. When I got a job I could afford these things so I stopped stealing entirely as there was just no need.

    I would love to know, how old are you? Do you take things from friends/family? Does anyone know about this? Has anyone ever suspected you before, and did you own up/give it back? Are there any other things that you do to get enjoyment from people's shock/pain/anger? Are you a dishonest person generally? Finally, do you give to charity?

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      Thats is klepto behaviour.

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      • LittleMissy

        I know but I'm trying to learn about the person behind the behaviour. There doesn't seem to be any point in judging or giving advice as he/she appears to have their mind made up.

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        • RomeoDeMontague

          If that is the case they are just bragging about there crimes. That also goes against the guidelines since it says not to talk about your illegal activity. I think they just like rubbing it in our faces that they steal. Also you said you use to steal for the thrill of it. That is klepto behaviour. Clearly the OP is a selfish cunt and I think we could only hope that they get hurt pulling a heist one day. Its kind of irritating seeing people brag about bad things they have done since they think they are cool. Its like saying "Look I beat up the retarded kid! I must be bad ass"! It is really immature and probobly means Op did not get slapped enough as a child for them to have such a low maturity level. Sign they need to bring back corporal punishment. So these idiots do not think hurting people is funny. They say it on the internet since they know if they said it to people in real life they would get punched in the face. Something I wish I could do to every little cunt living on this planet.

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          • LittleMissy

            I did steal as a child because I had nothing. It was a thrill I can't lie because I was poor and i was able to obtain items i could not otherwise afford. It does not make me any better or any worse than anyone else. I think most people steal at some stage in their lives but at varying levels of volume and value.

            I could be completely wrong but reading some of your comments on this site i get the impression that you are a little bit of a stickler for rules (please don't misinterpret my words as being insulting - I don't see anything wrong with that). Let me ask you something though: would you say a person who steals out of desperation deserves to be punished?

            I think OP just wanted to share his story with us and to see if there was anyone who could understand the way he thinks. I think he knows that stealing is socially unacceptable and illegal which is why he came here to talk about it (he may not have anyone else to discuss this with because of the reaction it could cause). I prefer to understand rather than judge.

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            • RomeoDeMontague

              Op on the other hand like to watch others suffer and laugh, does things they know are clearly wrong, and go brag about it. Yes in some cases this is understandable but being an A-Hole means you willingly choose to be a bad person. You can choose not to be one but the OP thinks it is funny. This type of behaviour is as I said sign of a mental issue. People who have Antisocial disorder have no remorse to others, will commit crimes, and do senseless acts and not care about the consequences.

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            • RomeoDeMontague

              Rules should be followed unless they absolutely must be broken. There is exceptions to every rules. However some rules should never ever be broken. Like rape is not justifiable in any situation ever. There is no call for it and no way is it needed.

              If you kill its should only be self defence. If you go to war you are auctully going to war in defence of your country. If you kill someone trying to hurt your family or child you are defending them. In court it still will be viewed as self defence. If you steal since you had nothing that is kind of sad and I think more people would take sympathy on that.

              If someone steals a loaf of bread since they are starving which I mentioned in one of my other comments I believe. Well in that case it was justified they were hungry. So no they are not a bad person in this case. However people should not be told or encouraged to think this is ok and break them for no reason. Since if everyone kills, steals, and commit crimes for no reason we will go into madness.

              If you are a spoiled child and just think you deserve something better you deserve to be punished. I have known kids who have everything and simply steal since they think it makes them cool or because they have this attitude "I dont like this ipod! I want a new one! Mom and dad are such jerks".

              People like that disgust me. I believe everyone should follow the rules. Op seems to be doing it for no other reason but to say "Look at me"! Op sounds very selfish and has zero consideration for anyone else. It is kind of like tripping an old lady and start laughing. You know its wrong but do not care who you hurt. That is the illest kind of person in the world. OP says they like seeing the people react so they want to see others suffer. OP is an A-hole and deserves to be punched in the face.

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          • "Sign they need to bring back corporal punishment."

            I was spanked as a child. Go figure.

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            • RomeoDeMontague

              Apparently not enough. No one taught you how to behave properly. You are a selfish little cunt who likes to steal so you can laugh at others. That is like "Tripping an old lady" it is not funny! It just means you are a cunt!

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    • I'm not ignoring you but I'm not wanting to talk about specifics. Sorry it took me so long to reply.

      I'll answer about charity though. NO, I do not give to charity, I despise charities overall, however I am a very generous person and give a lot to individuals. Not $ (usually) but other things.

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      • LittleMissy


        Thanks for your reply and for answering my questions as much as you feel able.

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  • Eveyana

    What if you stole something of sentimental value to someone like a watch given to someone from their deceased father or a necklace from their deceased mother / husband / wife or something of that nature?

    I hope you get thrown in jail, that you are never allowed the chance to hurt anyone ever again and that everything you ever stole from people eventually finds its way back to them.

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    • They're just objects.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Oh ok.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Sly Cooper, is that you?

    Regardless, its not normal.

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  • JeffingAround

    Most people have stolen at some point. Its normal, you are just doing it more than average.

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    • Eveyana

      It's not normal. There are a lot of murderers and rapists and pedophiles in the world. That doesn't make it normal or acceptable.

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