Is it normal to have these "compulsions"?

I sometimes have these slight compulsions when I feel anxious or embaressed or ashamed and I get anxious A LOT. Sometimes I have to count to myself "1..2..3..4..5.ect.." until the anxiety goes away. Sometimes when I can't do that I just do a nervous tapping on a desk, a wall, or my leg and couple times if there's a mess in the room I'll start cleaning it up until I feel better. The weirdest thing is sometime when I'm alone I'll tell myself to "be quiet" or I'll repeat some thoughts that I've had out loud to myself a couple times until I stop or tell myself to shut up.

I don't feel that my world would fall apart if I don't do these things and I could probably stop myself from doing them if I tried I've just never thought about it. It doesn't intrude into my life at all but I still wonder, are these normal nervous ticks?

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60% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • lilrebel80

    It your compulsions are anxiety related. I would say you have general anxiety or OCD, I am very knowledgable on this subject of anxiety and I would suggest seeing a professional about these compulsions so you can be properly diagnosed and prescribed anxiety medication, a therapist is also necessary because medication will only take some of the anxiety away and the rest will be up to you to deal with using coping mechanisms. Instead of counting try deep breathing, it is a lot more affective at lowering your anxiety levels. 1 in 10 people suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder so keep in mind you are not crazy and certainly not alone!

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  • lilrebel80

    I suffer from general anxiety, social anxiety, separation anxiety, panic disorder and OCD. I engage in many different compulsions when I am anxious, and by the sounds of

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  • star5

    U have OCD

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  • soulljos

    Well I'm a psychologist, and it seems to me that you may have an OCD of sorts. I suggest that you talk to a proffesional on order to keep it under control. Your neurosis could take over very quickly.

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  • Faceless

    What helps my anxiety when im outside or something, is that I picture my environment as a post apocalyptic War World 3 scenario. With like buildings half destroyed, fallen overpasses, road blocks set up. And im just a ghost wondering the remains of a first world Utopian in ruins.

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  • marc820

    Its all normal behavior, but if you feel like your anxiety is interfering with your life talk to your doctor. Anxiety meds are fantastic.

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  • dappled

    One thing that works very well for some people is to concentrate very hard on the back of your hand.

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  • Uzzie101

    Look up anxiety disorder. I don't know much on it, but you seem to fit it.

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