Is it normal to have these "compulsions"?
I sometimes have these slight compulsions when I feel anxious or embaressed or ashamed and I get anxious A LOT. Sometimes I have to count to myself "1..2..3..4..5.ect.." until the anxiety goes away. Sometimes when I can't do that I just do a nervous tapping on a desk, a wall, or my leg and couple times if there's a mess in the room I'll start cleaning it up until I feel better. The weirdest thing is sometime when I'm alone I'll tell myself to "be quiet" or I'll repeat some thoughts that I've had out loud to myself a couple times until I stop or tell myself to shut up.
I don't feel that my world would fall apart if I don't do these things and I could probably stop myself from doing them if I tried I've just never thought about it. It doesn't intrude into my life at all but I still wonder, are these normal nervous ticks?