Is it normal to have these uncontrollable thoughts?
Ok so it started when I was seven. During interval my friend told me a scary story and my curiosity set off. I started finding out about stories and every night it became harder and harder to get to sleep. When I turned 10 I was granted access to the internet and you can imagine where it lead from there. By the time I was twelve I was obsessed with horror movies, stories e.t.c e.t.c. But as well as being amazed I was terrified. Sometimes it came sometimes it left. But there was no denying my actions had influenced my mental health. Now I'm in highschool and I still have problems when at night I suddenly picture the girl from the ring standing next to my bed just breathing into my ear. When a thought like this starts it won't stop for a considerable time. I've only recently realised how much all of this darkness had affected me. Whenever I'm in a slightly uncomfortable situation I get anxious, sweaty and I feel like I'm about to pass out. And about a month ago I was so scared at night that I got up knocked on my parents bedroom door and just fainted. Just like that. I don't want to tell my parents or friends but I also really want to know how to deal with it, and if anybody has experienced it before?