Is it normal to have these uncontrollable thoughts?

Ok so it started when I was seven. During interval my friend told me a scary story and my curiosity set off. I started finding out about stories and every night it became harder and harder to get to sleep. When I turned 10 I was granted access to the internet and you can imagine where it lead from there. By the time I was twelve I was obsessed with horror movies, stories e.t.c e.t.c. But as well as being amazed I was terrified. Sometimes it came sometimes it left. But there was no denying my actions had influenced my mental health. Now I'm in highschool and I still have problems when at night I suddenly picture the girl from the ring standing next to my bed just breathing into my ear. When a thought like this starts it won't stop for a considerable time. I've only recently realised how much all of this darkness had affected me. Whenever I'm in a slightly uncomfortable situation I get anxious, sweaty and I feel like I'm about to pass out. And about a month ago I was so scared at night that I got up knocked on my parents bedroom door and just fainted. Just like that. I don't want to tell my parents or friends but I also really want to know how to deal with it, and if anybody has experienced it before?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • WonderBoy

    Hey, I have experienced worrying thoughts quite a lot, it may be an anxiety disorder or OCD type thing (if you believe in psychiatry)

    I'd say stop reading so many horror stories as they will just make the worries worse.

    Look up techniques for dealing with intrusive thoughts. Techniques based on CBT are the best :)

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  • spark007

    I think about horror movies too while I'm sleeping, and I sometimes imagine that picture of the dead girl right on my bed, but I don't exactly hear her or anything, like you do. I think that's like a really strong imagination for you.
    You can try to stop watching so many horror stuff? And start watching another genre like action, sci-fi, comedy, romance, or just other kinds of movies.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Sounds like a mental problem.
    I watch a lot of horror movies and read horror stories too (I'm quite a fan of this stuff), but I don't have this negative feelings.
    You should probably do something against that, sounds pretty serious to me.

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  • darcilove111

    Yes!!! If you STOP watching horror movies or anything that is a little bit scary then after a while it will go away! I use to watch scary movies and I am still scared a lot, but after a while it goes away. It may take a year though...

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  • RoseIsabella

    When you are really scared you could pray and ask God to remove thoughts of the scary things you've seen.

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  • Nunallyn

    When I was 8 at the house we moved from a few years ago, every night someone's hand would poke my toes and lightly grab my foot if I slid it off the edge of the bed. I tested it out and it doesn't happen in this house but I still don't like my feet to be near the edge. I keep them bent even if I like the cold spots lol.

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  • Squashgordo

    Once when I was like six, I woke up and there was an invisible hand on my bed.
    I blinked and it was gone. I totally freaked out and cried, and ran to my parents' room.
    To this day I don't know if that was real or a dream..

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  • Coolieo

    I always got nightmares or scary dreams or thoughts when my sister used to sleep in the same bed with me. We slept in the same bed because we couldn't afford more than 3. 1 for my big bro and lil bro, 1 for my dad and mom, and 1 for me and my sis. I don't know why I always got scared when she slept near me or when I shared a room with her. It just scared me. She did abuse me, ahahah, that's probably why. The only person I liked in my family in 08 was my older bro. He was really always nice and a sport..

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  • Cambo_b

    You watched a genera witch at an age where your imagination is so strong you've have created some forme of possible skitzophrenia. I don't mean this to worry you because its true when they say knowing is half the battle. if you are aware of you mental health then you know that none of this horrible stuff you experience is real. that it can be pushed out of your mind if you give your self a new hobbie start with something that takes up your mind off thinking to much. And watch movie that are light hearted and funny more upbeat. Then try more free hobbie whitch allow you o think more and if you feel more comfortabl then your on the path to recovery. it would also be a good idea to talk to someone if not in person try a form or online dr or something just someone to listen its easier to deal with your problems when when you put them into words rather than keeping then in your head as emotions

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  • redrosesinspace

    Everytime I'm in the shower and I close my eyes, I always think of something scary (I try not to but it just happens) so I open my eyes quickly and they burn from the shampoo. -_-

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  • samcrow

    Stop feeding your heart that dirty shit (or "stuff") has influence coward ness in you. Now imagine if all those times you were watching "heroic" movies instead....

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  • Dot123

    Cool story, bro. I love horror and blood. But that doesn't make me a murderer.

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    • Antir0b0t

      I'm confused about your opinion you formed into words right there. ^^

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