Is it normal to have this point of view on religion?

Hasn't god( or any other major character in a religion) affected more people's lives than anyone or anything in this world ever will? So in a way, aren't they all "real"? I mean, just think of all the lives religion has saved. We all know some people cannot live without their religion. Also, think about a world without religion. I know atheists wouldn't care, but for all the religious people here, life would have no meaning for us. all the atheists, like Richard dawkins who is trying to get people to stop believing with his books, it's just sad. I know the same thing can be said about Christians, but atleast they mean well. Does anyone else think like this? Is this point of view normal?

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64% Normal
Based on 22 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Trust me, God exists, but hes not the loving humanitarian depicted in the Bible... Hes impersobal and not really focused on Earth too much. Were like a toy he grew bored of.

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    I believe man created God.
    I hope that people see it that way too, but I would NEVER suggest out loud to someone who DID believe in a God(s) that they should change or that they are wrong for believing. It's just too personal of a choice.

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  • I think the existence of so many religions is a bit of a paradox. Not everyone can be right about their religion. So arguments are basically pointless and im just impressed this hasnt devolved into a flamewar lol. I think it's sad the religious people refuse to look at the fact that there is 168465214968798419641 times more evidence that the world is based on a scientific set of rules than that it was created by some sort of "being". And if god exists, where is he? Nothing outside of our universe can affect the matter inside it. lol.

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  • soccer2

    Everyone believes differently. It's wrong to force ur point of view on ppl and discriminate because the don't believe the same as u. Atheists just see the world differently. That guy u said that sells books about how not to believe in god, is that not what ppl do by selling the bible and other various religious books? If ppl pick up his book it is because they r already on the road to athiesm or want to see the other side of the story and learn about the thoughts behind it. If u believe in god then good for u. Try not to judge others though. U r happy knowing god is out there. Others r happy knowing that science and physical evidence is out there. Whatever floats ur boat.

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  • To each his own, i respect all beleifa.

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  • paradoxinsoxs

    Why don't you think atheist mean well? We feel like we're showing you a enlightenment just like a Christian who shows a man the enlightenment of 1 god an atheist shows a man the enlightenment of no god.

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  • Sanara

    I think people should believe what they want. But in some aspects the world would be better without religion because some people do cruel things in the name of religion, or fail to think rationally and adjusted to the current time due to their religion. At the same time Im sure it brings a lot of value to a lot of people

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  • dom180

    Your point is both really deep and really stupid. Gods have affected human life greatly, real or not, but that doesn't qualify them as real. Santa Claus has affected a lot of people, but most adults don't believe that he is real in the way that he is normally shown. Maybe the problem is that religious and atheist people define "real" differently. One of many reasons why we can't understand eachother.

    Also, both sides think that the other side wants to convince them, and that only their side is the peaceful one. If we both admitted that we were both just trying to live according to our beliefs we would get on much better. However, the aggressive 1% on each side is all the other beliefs hear. To me the entire thing is depressing.

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  • carly13

    I don't think all christians mean well. Telling others they're going to hell and making judgements about them is not "holy." And all of their special rules are a bunch of bullshit!

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  • jezzithegreat

    I think, because of my age, my religious beliefs have evolved into drastically different things over the years. I was born christian, never connected with it, rebelled against my parents and explored Wicca, found it didn't really fit me either. Here's where I stand now, and it doesn't really fit anywhere. I'm first and foremost a child of this new technological age, and I'm very interested in biochemistry and science. There's far too much evidence of evolution to continue to hold to a belief in creationism. But does that have to rule out the existence of god? So we weren't all molded out of playdoh...but the universe is vast, and I'm not sure why no one has put forth the theory that god, or a slew of them, are like great chemists in the heavens, throwing atoms together and watching us evolve and grow and transform. As for his/her/their active participation on our lives, I feel like we're asking to be lead through every step of life. As if our real parents fixed every mistake for us, and gave us all the answers.

    This is rambling and probably pretty damn convoluted. Overall, I think faith, in any form, even if it's the faith that nothing is out there, is a powerful thing, and necessary in our times. It's one of the most varied, personal, and important decisions we make in life.

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  • I'd-rather-not-say

    I agree with most of the comments it's a very personal thing I myself have chosen the buddhist path of enlightenment but in general terms i'd say u are very normal

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  • Abtanazahx

    All religion are lying except they all think they are right. Richard Dawkin is just the same. He thinks hes so smart. Not that smart though.

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